
Are these cages big enough for 2 hamsters?

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  1. A couple of things you have two consider first before you get a cage.

    If your getting a syrain. -Teddybear,Panda,Blackbear basically any of the larger hamsters. Only 1 per Cage as they will end up killing eachother. Regarless if they are in the same cage at the petstore.

    If your getting dwarfs you need a bigger cage. Dwarfs can be housed together in pairs ONLY if they come from the same litter and are both the same gender. Do not get a male and Female pair as the female will get pregenent regarless if the male is her brother.

    So For the cages now.

    The Pink Princess Is made for little kids rooms. Most people here do not agree with that cage for a couple of reasons. Its very small. And its PLastic. with no air circulation at all. Without fresh air your hamsters life cycle drops dramatically because they can get upper respitory infections. Pluse the air will become stale and harder to breathe in. Plus it will stink more.

    All critter trails are too small. they dont end up with enough floor space wich hamsters need because they like to burrow. Must hamsters only like 1 story. Well most of the Crittertrails look big its mostly because critter trail builds them upwards.

    if i was to suggest a cage i would suggest a Habitrail Safari/playground as it offers more spce then a critter trail  and you can buy attachments for it.

    Or reshearch Bin Cages over the internet to find out how to mak huge cages.

  2. The first one would be suitable for any breed of hamster but the second one it depends if you have syrian hamsters or dwarf hamsters or whatever.

  3. Big enough for standard and dwarf hamsters ... yes and you can always add on sections later.  (I prefer the first one with it's multilevels better).

    My concern is more that they are all plastic.  The newer plastic ones don't have as many ventilation holes and slats.  This causes the animals to over heat more and makes the cages smeller faster.  

    Make sure they get daily "cage free" running around too.  Either in a big box that they can't climb out of or I use the tub.  High edged and too slippery to escape.  I still never leave them unattended but it gives them some room to actually run.  Hamster wheels make them arch their backs a bit which is unnatural.  A flat surface lets them stretch better.

    Have fun!

  4. The first one yes, second, no.

  5. if there dwarfs the first one yes second one no i have the first cage and if they are teddy bears or bigger than dwarfs none are big enough for two hamsters

  6. i would say the second one because if you look at the first one there is a long piece of tubing and it could fall down and hurt it self hope my suggestion helps and have a good life with your hamsters

  7. i would use the 1st 1 but the 2nd one could work if u wanted to get 2 dwarf hamsters nothing else. but the 1st 1 would be really good for them

    good luck

  8. First, no. Second, only if for dwarf hamsters.

    You really should not get an all plastic cage. They can easily chew through it, and not to mention it hold in dirt (no matter how much you scrub it) from their bedding and waste and that eventually kills them.

  9. i personly dont recommend plastic cages like those. i got 2 of em and got 2 hamsters. both died of tumors within 2 weeks. so i decided 2 get 2 more(completely sterilized the cages0) and both of the died of tumors also. it was a horible experice and the the dumb *** person that worked at the pet store told 2 to try it again!! i told him i would never put another hammy through that!! thats when i gave up on plastic cages and i tell every1 my story!! please dont let that happen to ur hammys!!

  10. the first one yes the second one maybe

  11. Both are small for two dwarf hamsters. It would be ideal only for one dwarf hamster. For two dwarf hamsters, you would ideally require a bigger cage like a Crittertrail 2 or 3. Check here for their links -

    Or you can get two of the either pink cages that you are liking and put the two dwarf hamsters separately.

  12. for dwarf hamsters yes for syrain hamsters noway or teddybear etc

  13. the first one def yes. but my suggestion is that u get two moderate sized cages and have that tube thing connect them so like if they dont get along or like try to kill eachother then u can have one in each cage. and make sure there both girls or you'll end up buying ALOT more cages for them lol. they'll also fight for the room on top and the wheel. and my hamster tends to c**p alot in the top thingy so be prepared and clean the top part alot.

  14. well, the CRITTERTRAIL PINK is... not the other one! but with the crittertrail, youll need to cap off where the water bottle is and get a regular hang-on the side one and get a different wheel. the water bottle it comes with leaks and hurts the hammies neck to reach it. the wheel is just overall c**p. =] remember, only dwarfs can live together!! no syrinians!!

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