
Are these charts accurate, or pretty close for pregnancy?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so I just found out that I am pregnant for sure. I'm pretty early and got a long 9 months ahead of me. I wanted to know, those ovulation charts that also predict your chances of a boy or girl...mine said chances of conceiving a boy is good..and thats the time I got you think those are actually accurate, or just will known to prone?? However I do want a boy.




  1. Those things are really a myth. At this point, you either have a boy or girl. It's a fifty/fifty chance. I can see that an ovulation chart would say that you would have a boy or girl depending on when in your cycle you had s*x...but the truth is..your husband will have ejaculated millions of sperm into you, and they were boys and girls...fifty fifty. An ovulation chart can tell you a due date, but it's not a necessarily true figure. I was due on Monday...and still no frustrating. I hope you have a boy if that's what you want. We have a girl just like we wanted...but you just have to hope you're having a boy and wait for the 20 week ultrasound...crossing your fingers at this point is too late!

  2. They might be accurate.

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