
Are these cleavages too deep? Immodest?

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  1. wear what you feel confident and comfortable in, your conscience will tell you

  2. Do you mean "Is that cleavage too deep?"? I thought you only got issued with one (a cleavage being the gap between b*****s). Or do you suffer from multiple personality disorder? Or do you have detachable prostheses you can take on and off?

    The frocks look very "frock-y", and your cleavage looks like it's in almost exactly the right place.

    Immodest? Hmmm. Tricky. Are we talking about the frocks or the cleavage (or the cleavages)?

    Hey, versatile or what! I'm a 21st century man. I'm giving fashion advice and everything!

  3. No on all 3.

  4. The guys are loving this question!!!

    The first - no

    The second - a little but still ok

    The third - a bit too low cut

    Sorry guys but it is the truth!!!

    even if the neck line was to the waist they guys would still be saying 'no'.

  5. Not even close.

  6. It depends on how big you are on top.  

    #1 is the most modest (and the cutest) dress of all.  I would choose that one!

  7. No

  8. there ok, and i like to keep a breast of fashions. he he he

  9. Personally I always lean to the side of more modest. I try to think in terms of "what would my future husband want other men to see."

    There are really cute outfits out there that are "modest" to the point that you don't have to waste one minute worried about the fine line.

    I hope that this helps you in some way.  :)

  10. Not at all.. I love the first and the last one best. the red and the white.. they look great and the cleavage is definitely not immodest.. they look like great evening gowns...On the second one I love the way it's designed and it also looks great but would look better in another colour but it's very nicely made.. I love the style of nr's different.. Nr 2 to me has the loveliest cut.. I like that.. the color.. one has to not be too pale to carry off that kind of green I would love that in white.. or another nice color.. or a woman with a nice tan would look great in that colour x*x

  11. 1- Definately no.

    2- A little.

    3- Probably a bit too much.

    But, it depends on what you're gonna wear them for. A school dance? Your cousin's wedding? Differnet occasions allow for different styles.

    I'd pick 2.

  12. Personally, I don't think so.

    Can't speak for you though - I don't know your standards or your culture.

    You should never wear something that makes you uncomfortable, but what that is, only you can determine.

  13. nuh uhh, nice dresses too btw.

  14. Men. =p

    But no, they're not too deep at all!

    Just make sure you wear a proper bra with it and it will look great!

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