
Are these common symptoms of anxiety?

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lately ive been having trouble sleeping, headaches... feeling on the edge like I just want to go run outstide screaming, and i feel really tense




  1. Personally i have trouble breathing like gasping for air heart beats continuously like i am on a 100 km sprint when in fact i'm just standing in one spot, sweating and so headaches for me though. Usually there is a trigger for the anxiety. But in a useful First Aid Manual it states the symptoms -

    Cardiovascular - Palpitations,chestpain , rapid heart beat, flushing.

    Respiratory - hyperventillation, shortness of breath

    Neurological- dizziness,headache,sweating,tingling and numbeness

    Gastrointestinal- choking, dry mouth, nausea, vomitting, diarrhoea

    Musculoskeletal- Muscle aches and pains (especially neck shoulders and lower back),restlessness, tremor shaking

    In a psychological aspect

    unrealistic and exessive fear or worry,mind racing,indecisiveness,vivid dreams etc

    Behavioural- Avoidance of situations , obsessive or compulsive behaviour, distress in social stuations,phobic beahviour etc

    In your case maybe its just due to stress...?

  2. I have had those symptoms with my anxiety.  What helped me to relax was yoga.  More specifically, the breathing part of yoga, not so much the rest of it.  But it did help me concentrate on my breathing and I realized that when I was tense and anxious, my breathing was very shallow.  Try to do some of that.  I think you can find some audio files on the internet that will guide you through it and see if it works for you.  

  3. My anxiety isn't like that. Mine is a tightness in my chest...I feel like I'm going to heart races, and I feel like I need to gulp air.  Truthfully, yours sounds more like symptoms of STRESS.  

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