
Are these dreams normal and do they ever stop??

by  |  earlier

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For a year now i've had these dreams about this one guy.

We met last year on my holiday - he was from South Africa and me, well obviously from England and we were both staying in the same hotel,

i like him but sorta havent told him and dont intend to and thought ah well, wont ever see him again but i met him again this summer and these dreams are still there.

I think everyone gets the dreams - but are they normal and will they ever go?!




  1. Of course they are normal, it's a like having a huge crush on somebody. The truth is, they're never going to go away until you stop thinking about this guy, and that's easier said than done. It just takes time... if nothing ever happens, eventually you'll move on and forget about him, and the dreams will stop.

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