
Are these dreams normal & do they ever stop?

by  |  earlier

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For a year now i've had these dreams about this one guy.

We met last year on my holiday - he was from South Africa and me, well obviously from England and we were both staying in the same hotel,

i like him but sorta havent told him and dont intend to and thought ah well, wont ever see him again but i met him again this summer and these dreams are still there.

I think everyone gets the dreams - but are they normal and will they ever go?!





  1. you and him are destined to be together  

  2. well everybody has dreams. They are caused by the thoughts that you had before you went to sleep. They are completely normal. They will go away and if you want them to go away faster. STOP THINKING ABOUT HIM! Hope i helped!


  3. seriously  your in love, i know it

    but they might go away eventually.

    and yes they are normal you should tell him how you feel.

  4. This happens to me when I really like a guy.

    Maybe you should give him a call and let him know how you feel.

    Perhaps then the dreams would go away.

  5. yeah, your just always thinking about him obviously

  6. well if you like him you should tell him.

  7. its a infatuation.. it will pass.

    i had many.

  8. yea they're normal. ESPECIALLY with people u want and cant have (cause u dont see him a lot). .. the dreams might stop being regular and u might get over it, but u'll probs keep thinkning about him. people are generally in ur dreams bc u think about them. so when/if u stop thinking about him, they'll stop  

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