
Are these early labour signs?

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I started loosing my plug last Monday and have been having a backache for the past couple of days. I get contractions, but they're not getting stronger. This is my second pregnancy and I'm 38 weeks.




  1. yes

  2. Not unless your contractions are getting stronger and closer together not everyone has there contraction every 5 to 10 minutes though with some they are not regular at all in labor, Iv been feeling the same way for about 4 weeks now im also 38 weeks with #2 but good luck  

  3. Its very possible, just watch for the contractions to get stronger and closer together.  Might want to start timing them if you havent been already, and when they get less then 10 minutes apart, you might want to visit the hospital.  Good luck to you!!!

  4. I'm not a doctor or nurse, but you are describing what many say are early labor symptoms.  My doctor said that after you lose the plug you can go into labor at any time within a couple of weeks.  As long as the contractions aren't getting stronger, and are not evenly spaced (say, 7-8 minutes apart every time), I wouldn't rush off to the hospital just yet.  I have always been advised that when the contraction is so strong that I cannot talk through it, it is a true contraction (not a Braxton-Hicks, or early labor contraction).  Also, if you are moving around when you have contractions and sitting down does not alleviate the pain, or vice versa (sitting when they hit and getting up to move around doesn't help), it is another sign of true labor.  Many doctors like to wait until the contractions are 5-7 minutes apart before having you go to the hospital.

    My gut tells me that the backache is a sign that labor is close at hand.  At 38 weeks you are full-term, so no worries there.  So keep your stopwatch handy and your phone at the ready; and when the pain gets worse, or the contractions are more evenly spaced, call your doctor to see what he/she wants you to do.  Good luck!

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