
Are these facts about Mohamed correct? and justifiable to call him as prophet?

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he married 40year old lady when he was 25year?

because she offered him to get married - do u think its right?

married 6 year old kid? - becuz his best friend daughter she was

married 13 women? - becz most of them widows so he wants to give them support

married a widow so that he can have a support of her wealth?

because she wanted him to take care of her property

kill all non muslims if they don't accept Allah?

because allah told him so

he fell at the feet of one of his wives and died?

because he was feeling guilty she married a child

those who would like to answer plz answer with self respect. showing anger will not give me answer to these questions.

all these reasons are not mine but some muslims have given themselves.;_ylt=AjwGuq9..Fj.ONopGMOKzmXsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080830064047AAftpoy




  1. Yes, he married older woman who was wealthy

    Yes, Aisha was about sic but they di not consummate their marriage until she was eight

    He has many wives

    He married some women after he had killed their husband's in "holy war"

    Yes, he killed many Jews and others when they did not believe he was the prophet he claimed to be. Islam spread by the sword

    Muhammad made Allah to agree a lot of shady dealings he had. he even took his son;s wife and then added to the Qur'an that Allah said it was OK

  2. From the information in the history books I have read you are nearly correct on those facts.  Another good historical fact is Mohamed's "Flight to Mecca" was more accurately "Mohamed's Blood Bath in Mecca".

  3. 6 or 9 makes no difference.   It DOES make you a child molester.

  4. I do not believe in the general theory of religion and that includes Islam.

  5. Here is link about Prophet Mohammed(sala Allaha alyaeh was salam) may prayers and peace be upon him.

    You may have and ask specialist scholars whatever you want about prophet Mohammed(sala Allaha alyaeh was salam) may prayers and peace be upon him in the below link    

  6. im giving u the same answer as i did before

    1) yes he married a 40 year old woman, but im not sure how old he was

    2) some say she was 9, some say 13, some say she was 19

    3) im not sure, but he had more than 4 i believe

    4) thats the same 40 year old woman, and she proposed to him i believe

    5) no he didnt kill non-muslims if they didnt accept Allah, he went into wars to take back Mecca, and defend Islam

    6) false no

  7. What's wrong with a guy marrying an older woman?

  8. he did not kill all non muslims he just defended islam. he did marry a 40 year old women but i think he waz like 35-39 years old because he loved her and she proposed to him. he did not marry a 6 year old thats for sure.

    he did not fall at the feet of one of his wives and died.

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