
Are these giant skeletons real,...?

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  1. Don't even have to look at the footage to tell you that it would be nothing more than a hoax at best.

    There are few things I agree with Deenie about however, in this instance she is spot on:

    "OK...You Tube lies...You Tube lies You Tube lies. I've got to remember this!!!" Except a little adjustment is needed where the word "I've" appears, it needs to be replaced with 'we' - meaning everyone.

    I have said it before and I will say it again, 'YouTube' is an entertainment tool only and as such cannot be used as credible evidence for anything. This is also true of anything from wiki - the 'facts' can be altered or edited by anyone as the contents are not write protected.

  2. There is very little on youtube that I take seriously.

  3. Thanks for wasting my time and the points..........

  4. Maybe, all things are possible

  5. Nope.

  6. Don't think so. Though giants did and do exist, I don't think anyone was or ever will be that tall . . . unless they live on the moon or someplace with really low gravity. Gravity factors into how tall or short something grows.

  7. nope

  8. They are some of the worst fakes i have ever seen.What a laught.

  9. It is not real. The images were created for a photoshop contest. Then I guess people decided to turn it into a hoax by adding fake newspaper articles. The contest site is listed below.

  10. Im no expert, but it certainly appeared to be real.  But then, if it is you have to wonder.  The fact that it is on you tube makes it less credible.

  11. They are fake, they are movie props.

  12. In the first picture the perspective was all off.  The bones looked big compared to the people in the background, but this recalls the giant camel spider picture that was everywhere a while back, where it is misleading to compare relative sizes.  My guess is the second picture is photoshopped.  The picture of just the femur bone could very well be from another animal, the femur bone looks very similar thoughout most species.  

    All this aside, it is ridiculous to state that even if giant skeletons were found that it in some way proves the bible to be accurate.  The childrens book BFG also talks about giants, does the existence of giants mean that it is based on a true story?  Obivously not.

  13. those skeletons aren't real, fool! ever hear of sculpting something out of plaster and dressing it up to look real? if i were you, I'd not believe everything i watch on youtube.

  14. You tube seems to be quite the playground for aspiring digital artists.  You see it all the time.  

    However...  giants did and do exist.  It's a problem with the growth hormones.  But... that's not it.  The cheesy candle shot in the beginning aught to have said "Turn this off now".

  15. Ah, more evolution denial.  This time it's couched in a conspiracy theory.

  16. Zoinkss!!! they sure look real. It wouldn't surprise me much if the Bible was true...It's right about everything else.

  17. It is on youtube so it is fake.

  18. That's really me. They say that everything on You tube is a lie I don't totally believe it..but it sure is convincing.

    Edit...OK...You Tube lies...You Tube lies  You Tube lies. I've got to remember this!!!

  19. You know any video entitled "Science proves Bible fact!" is going to be dodgy before you even look at it.

    And yes it was incredible.



    1. so extraordinary as to seem impossible:

    2. not credible; hard to believe; unbelievable:

  20. I can tell you how the candle trick was done in the beginning, lol.....This hoaky candle trick and too much information is given up front in this video makes it suspicious. If these skeletons were wisked away to area 51 with the Ark of the Covenant (from the new Indiana Jones movie) then how did this person find out about them? Why would they cover up the skeletons of the giants? Why tell us about dinosaurs bones, or caveman remains?

    The claim is, they are hiding them to cover up for the fact that they are wrong about evolution. However, the theory of evolution has been revised and changed many, many times since Darwins original writings. Creatures can evolve to get bigger or smaller, or woolier, or hairless, or whatever gives them a higher chance of reproduction. All the reasoning they are giving for the cover up are completely wrong.

    What does this have to do with the bible. Some translations use Giants to refer to Nephilim, half angel, half humans like sampson. They were not litteral giants. Goliath was only something like 9 feet 4 inces tall. Yes he was freakishly tall, but by no means a record breaking height.

    The fact that King Og had a 14 foot casket doesnt mean he was 14 feet tall. It just means he wanted room to move around inside. More likely he was on the short side and wanted people who saw the casket to think he was big.

    In conclusion, this whole coverup makes no sense, so I am going to say no, these skeletons are not real.

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