
Are these good SAT & ACT scores?

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Reading: 520

Math: 610

Writing: 660


English: 28

Math: 26

Reading: 28

Science: 23

Composite: 26

I want to get in to the University of Florida with these scores. Please let me know if these are good enough, but if not, let me know what I need to improve in.

As for grades and extracurriculars, I have a 4.0 GPA (4.7 weighted), and I'm in the top 10% of my class. I'm the President of the National Honor Society at my school, and I'm also part of the Multicultural Advisory Board in my school.




  1. They are very good scores, leave them the way they are, I suspect that your a junior, so am I, my SAT wasn't that good, so I have to redo, I wish I had that score.  Your GPA, and class rank should be able to let your University see you as consistent, but it doesn't hurt to see if you can do better, so sign up for the October SAT if you think you can do better, and sign up for the September ACT if you think you can do better.

  2. There is a cool site called which tells you based on your GPA and SAT/ACT scores and other stuff if getting into a specific college is a reach, maybe, or good bet. I put in the stuff you said and i guessed on some other stuff you needed and it came out to be just slightly over onto the good bet side. Here's some other stuff you should know from the University of Florida Admissions Website.

    From the 2008 freshman class profile:

    Admit % of applicants with weighted GPA of 4.0- 87.5%

    Middle 50% of accepted students scored:


    ACT was 26-31.

    These are the statistics, now for my own personal advice. It seems that you have the grades and extracurricular activities. However, your standardized test scores seem low for a person in the top 10% of their class. I'm in the top 10% of my class and scored 1430(composite) on the math and critical reading parts on the SAT, and from what i've heard most people that are in the top 10% at my school scored at least 1250, and i just attend a regular public high school. Of the admitted students in 2008  only 25% of  got in with an ACT score of 26, what you scored, or lower, and only 25% were accepted who had a math and critical reading composite of 1210- yours is 1130.

    If you want to get in my advice is to boost your critical reading score. You seem to have the academic and extracurricular portion down. Also, make sure you have a college essay that stands out. If you could raise your SAT score, remember University of Florida only includes math and critical reading sections in admission decisions, to say 1270 or higher, than i would say you would have approx a 75% chance of getting in.However, if your standardized test scores don't rise, your chance probably hovers around 50% at the moment. Hope this helps.

  3. they okay

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