
Are these good enough signs that this guy likes me?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike I have a huge crush on this guy in my grade (we are in 10th grade). In two classes we sit by eachother and I think that he might like me too but I am not for sure. I am going to list all the stuff he has done and please tell me if you think he likes me or not.

1. Every time I pass him in the hallways, he makes eye contact with me.

2. He ALWAYS talks to me and jokes around with me while we are doing our class work.

3. Whenever we talk we always make eye contact and hold it.

4. Today...when i walked in the room he said that this one guy (george) liked me and then george was like "no i don't he likes you" (he meaning the guy that i like) and all he did was giggle and smile he didn't say anything like "no i don't" he didn't say anything. Is that a good thing?

5. And then today in a different class we were talking about who is the smartest in our class and me and him btw are not that smart in this So he puts his hand on my back and says my name ......knows nothing (jokingly). Why did he put his hand on my that a good thing??

6. His elbows/arms always rub up against mine and he always rubs his leg against mine..he gets like really close to me he doing this on purpose?

7. He says my name a lot and we always smile and laugh at each other..he is really fun!

I think all of these signs are good but I think he has a gf. But he never talks to his gf and last year he totally HATED her he was always talking about how she's a w***e and so on.

I know this is long...but please tell me what you think is going on. Could he like me?? or not?? he is kinda a big flirt with other girls but it seems like he is extremely nice to me. Idk how to really flirt all i do is smile and laugh at him. what do i do?? oh.. and he is a big prep and i am not really a prep but i think i am pretty...does he like me?? what are the obvious signs??




  1. no he doesnt like you, all these signs mean nothing, you should find a new boy to have a crush on

  2. ask him directly about feelings.  

  3. yeah chances are he does like you

    flirt a little

    make a slight smile whenever you make eyecontact..hold his gaze for an instant then look away

    when he makes physical contact slightly move toward him

    joke back..just kinda talk w/o bein a total loud mouth

    just dont throw yourself at him..

    b/s he could be a total player

    this usually works for me..even with the playas..haha

    in 10th grade to

  4. awww it sounds like if he does

    and omg number 1-4  are exactly what my ex used to do especially number 4 hahai think he does like yew go for it=]

  5. He really does like you.

    Go for it

    answer mine when you have a sec plz.;...

  6. you have got to be kidding me...obviously he likes you.  a blind man can see that

  7. yeah i think you should go for it

    help me plz;...

  8. I'm like that with every single girl, "fine" or "ugly" it don't mean ****. I just love to flirt and seduce. Some guys are like that (and girls). Just make a move on him already before someone else does or he loses interest.

  9. Might be one of two things. Either he just wants to get in your pants or he likes you more. I'm thinking its my first guess since he has a gf.

  10. Yes he might be a flirt but he might like you and ask him if he still has a gf and if he doesn't well yea he like you a lot.

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