
Are these good outfits for the first,second,and third day of school?(pics)?

by  |  earlier

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I'm in 6th grade so yeah

first day:

second day:

third day:





  1. definitely!

    i love the skinny jeans in the first one!


    they're perfect for a girl going into 6th grade, and actually, WOW, u have really great style for being a 6th grader!!!

    good luck & have fun in 6th grade!


  3. i like all but the third one. the first two are really cute,though!

  4. The first one is good. The second one needs jewelry and accessories. The third one is OK, but you should wear a belt or a scarf with it, because its just a t-shirt.

  5. YES! I dont really like the shoes but if you do, awesome! Your gonna get people saying its too plain but I love it.

  6. yes I like them!

    The third one is kind of plain, but if thats your style then its good


    please help with mine?


  7. the first 2 are really good ...especially for back 2 skul ....nd the last one's kinda cute 2 ..but i like the first 2 best !!!

  8. Too plain.

  9. i luvvvv the first outfit!!! The second one is pretty dull try adding some jewlery to spice it up a little! Luv the third one too! Good luck!

  10. yeah : )


  11. i am not really a fan of the first one, but the 2nd two are great! I would suggest not wearing a t-shirt on the first day but a nicer shirt like a polo or a v-neck from abercrombie or aeropostale.

  12. they're okay, nothing special

  13. Okay, for the first day, it's probably better not to wear a tee shirt. Wearing something a little bit nicer will leave people with a better first impression of you, especially teachers.

    The second one is kind of boring. Any tee shirt that says the stores name on it isn't cute, no offence, so if you're going to wear one, wear it after the first three days of school though. The bermudas and everything else in that outfit is cute though.

    The third one is really plain. Add a fun necklace or something to make it better and to take away from the plain-ness of it.

  14. The first one is great!

    Though the second and third one is just too plain.

  15. u need more accessories. i would suggest wearing a nicer shirt like a polo or a knit from abercrombie or aero. t shirts r SOOOOOOO boring on the first day

  16. I thin kall of them are really cute!!

    but the 2nd one was a little plain.. try adding a simple bracelet or smth...

    BTW, I have the same shirt as the abercombie one...


    oh, n i think that u shoul dtry 2 lyk show a bit of ur personality thrugh ur clothes... ( if u noe what i mean)..

    yah!! hope u impress everyone on ur first few days...


  17. Yuppers! (Lol, don't ask! It's just my way of saying 'yup' online.)

    It's cute and casual, perfect for school, especially the first few days.

  18. There cute,  but everyone will be wearing stuff like that. So if your fine with that. It is really cute!

  19. those are all cute

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