
Are these good reasons to become a vegetarian?

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1. It's healthier, apparently.

2. Vegetarians have a longer life span.

3. Since I would eat healthier things, I'd be more tempted to do exercises to stay fit.

4. I have more chances to stay thin. It's also very important for me since diabetes run in my family.


1. I LOVE meat. It will be very hard for me to stop eating it.

2. It will be more expensive.

3. Less choice when I go to a restaurant.

4. Most people eat meat, so if someone invites me to dinner, they most likely cooked meat.

These are MY pros and cons, don't tell me it's also good for animal rights. Call me insensitive, but I don't care about that.

So, what should I do?





  1. NO, the human body needs protien and other things that you get from eating meat plus all that vegetarian food tastes like **** vegetarians suck and who wants to live forever anyway

  2. BECOMING vegetarian is much easier than BEING vegetarian.

    For years I refused to take the plunge and cut out flesh cold-turkey, so one day I just started eating less. Less per day, and eventually eliminated whole groups of meat (beef, then pork, then chicken).

    It's easier to make a difference in your health/environment/moral quality by doing it gradually, and you can always make changes where you want or need to.

  3. Meat eaters also have a 60% chance of a heart attack, vegetarians- 4%.

    A vegetarian diet is actually less expensive and there are alot of vegetarian resturants.

    But, Why would you consider going vegetarian if you LOVE meat though?

    no offence.

  4. You can stay thin, live healthy and still have money. You can still have meat and chicken and what ever else you like, you just have to balance your diet and your portions. Have a healthy breakfast with fruit, have a sizable lunch e.g. chicken ceasar salad and dinner with lamb chop salad or vegies.

  5. Yes, certainly these are good reasons to become a vegetarian.

    It is a bit difficult initially because old habits die hard. I myself found it very tempting whenever some of my family members would eat right in front of me but as the time passed i got used to it & now i don't feel like eating meat at all not even eggs.

    About the cons -

    1. If you are determined you can stop eating meat. Think of the pain & agony all the animals would be going through before they reach your plate.

    Is it worth eating a food which has reached you in such a way ?

    2. It is not that expensive that it will make you broke. There are variety of recipes available on the net.

    3. The choices may be limited but there are variety of restaurants that are vegetarian only. Also suggest the restaurant owners to have special menus for vegetarians as vegetarianism is in vogue.

    4. If someone invites you to dinner get them informed indirectly that you are a vegetarian or unintentionally show them veg dishes -

    For more as to why you should be veg go to  -

  6. Probably the best reason is an environmental/food security issue. A kilogram of beef needs seven times the farmland to produce than a kilgram of corn. If we all went vegetarian we could easily feed the world on less land than is currently farmed.

  7. any reason is a good reason. in my opinion your pros by far out weigh your cons.

    at least try it out and see how you go.

  8. "I have more chances to stay thin. It's also very important for me since diabetes run in my family."

    You could completely eliminate any chance of you getting diabetes if you went full on vegan, which isn't different from being vegetarian (I know from experience).

    "I LOVE meat. It will be very hard for me to stop eating it."

    Not if you look up a bunch of vegetarian/vegan brands ahead of time.

    "It will be more expensive."

    This is actually untrue. It takes much more money to produce a product that has animal ingredients than it does to produce a vegan product. For example, if you're eating beef it took twice the amount of farm land to produce the crops that cow ate than it would take to create a burger made of soy, so it costs the meat industry double the amount it does than the vegan industry, therefore consumers pay more. The pre-made vegan/vegetarian industry, having smaller profits for many reasons, has to increase the price of their products so it equalizes out with the cost of meat. BUT this only applies if you buy pre-made vegan food. If you were to buy all the individual ingredients yourself, it would DEFINITELY be less expensive than any meat product would be.

    "Less choice when I go to a restaurant."

    Unless you go to a restaurant that's vegetarian/vegan. Just about every chinese restaurant has vegetarian options and you can substitute tofu for any dish. The same goes for Indian restaurants. Most Indian restaurants have vegetarian and vegan options.


    "don't tell me it's also good for animal rights. Call me insensitive, but I don't care about that."

    Do you know enough about "that" to actually say you don't care? You may not believe in animals having rights, but I would assume you have some degree of compassion for animals (most people do) in the sense that you don't want them to be abused or tortured. If so:

    Just read up on that and some other info on that site and you'll have an additional "pro" to add to your list.

  9. Yes, The Pros are brilliant reasons!

    (I'm 14) I became vegetarian about a month ago and I've read up loads about it.

    One that caught my eye was: That it reduces your risk of cancer by 50%!!

    I've noticed that I've also become alot more fitter and I am eating wayyyyy more healthier sinse I became veg.

    Perhaps this will help you decide:

    Sorry - But I had to include this video. The minute I watched it - I'd decided fully about becoming vegetarian.  This video made me cry. and i couldnt even watch all of it.

  10. I suggest a Little more research. Not all vegetarians are created equal, for example a true die hard vegetarian wont eat any thing with a face, or for that matter any by products of meat animals such as cheese and dairy, but there are so called vegetarians who only limit the types of meat protein they eat. no beef or veal but fish and sea food is OK. do a little research and then decide for your self. give it a try and remember it will take about a month to comfortably change your diet. after a month if it is a struggle for you than decide if you still want to live that way or not. It should after a month seem natural if not maybe reconsider.

  11. If I know someone intimately enough for them to invite me to dinner, they probably know I'm a vegetarian.  Even if they don't, I would inform them.  If they then ignorantly made only meat available as a entree, or even the entire dinner, I would consider them to be very rude.  Even if people don't understand or care for your choice of diet, they should still be respectful of it, especially if they have invited you to dinner.  They should make vegetarian food available to you, as you are a guest.

    If not - don't eat dinner at their house again, or inform them of their insensitivity.

  12. i tryed it for a week, I really enjoyed it but all my friends called me g*y and a PETA addict. So your choice

  13. Any reason to become vegetarian is a good reason. But there are alot more pros you haven't listed. I believe the advantages far out weigh the 'apparent' limitations.

    Other advantages also include:

    1. Cruelty to Animals

    2. Moral

    3. World Hunger

    4. Worker Rights

    5. Government Negligence

    6. Environmental ethics

    7. You save 100 animals per year by being veg.

    The apparent limitations can be easily overcome.

    1. You love meat - There are lots of great faux meat products out there.

    2. More expensive - In general a vegetarian diet is less expensive than other diets. It only becomes expensive if you purchase too many faux items and try to identically replicate your original diet.

    3. Less choice- You'll be surprised but there is a huge range of choice out there. Where as before all you had to chose form was chicken, beef, pork, fish... now there is a whole range of ingredients you may never have considered before. Enjoy trying new things.

    4. Social reasons - Politely and kindly advise them that you are vegetarian. Most people usually make veg side dishes. You can also offer to bring along your own dish and invite everyone to try your wonderful vegetarian cooking. I'm sure they'll enjoy it.

  14. Pros:

    5. less killing on animal


    I have no problem on 1. to 3.

    only on 4.

    so sometime I do eat meat when someone invites me to dinner.

    othe than that, I am a vegetarian.

  15. OK the animal rights thing doesn't work for you so, whatt about the environment.  THe amount of cattle we are raising to feed us is ruining the topsoil and putting pesticides  out there we don't need.  We can never fix this.  There are always vegetarian options a a BBQ or party. Some of the cons were just excuses.  You can always try it and if you don't like it go back.  You should google it.  There is so much info out there.

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