
Are these good scores for international students?

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Hi, I moved from Venezuela about a year and a half ago, and I'm currently going to be a Senior at a U.S. High School. I took the SAT and ACT for the first time last June, getting a 1740 (Composite Reading, Writing and Math) in the SAT and a Composite score of 27 in the ACT. Are these good scores to get into a good uni? I'm hoping to raise them for the next time I take the tests, but the writing and reading parts truly killed me in both.

Please give me your opinion? I'm new to the system, and I'm not at all sure of how this whole scores and foreigners thing works out.

Thaaaaank yooooou! :)




  1. To be honest, you will need to get at least a 30 or higher on the ACT to be recognized in the mid U.S.If you get a 30 or higher you are eligible for Bright Flight scholarships As for the SAT,  I am not exactly sure. I have never taken it. It is usually required by most schools, mainly extreme coast schools.

  2. i think you did pretty well. =]

  3. Your ACT and SAT score are pretty similar, as a 1740 on the SAT is in between a 25 and 26 on the ACT.  The average US student scores about a 21 on the ACT, so you are above the average.  Very good schools (Ivies and comparable schools) expect near perfect scores, but there are a lot of good universities that would accept your scores.   You may want to look into certain flagship state schools, or selective liberal arts colleges, depending on your intended area of study.  

    I would check out, where after you sign up, you can look at what kind of students a particular college would accept.  They will list, under nearly all schools, what the median ACT/ SAT scores were for this years freshmen class, as well as average GPA and other info.

  4. I am pretty sure a big part of the admissions process for international students is the TOEFL, so I would worry more about that than the SAT/ACT.

  5. I think you did good, you are making good progress. Keep studying and you will make it into a good uni.

  6. Its fine!! u can do better.

  7. Those scores are decent - nothing to be ashamed of by any means - but if you want scholarships and to get into a prestigious school you'll need better ones.

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