
Are these good times?

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I'm a 15 year old girl and I don't swim year round and never have.

All these times are short course.

50 free-29.8

100 free-1:06.3

50 fly-34.4

100 fly-1:17

200 IM-2:24.8





  1. very good.

  2. Yes, these are pretty good times

  3. Hey first off, nice job with those times. Those aren't bad for just  half year swimmer. Your 200 IM time is amazing compared to the rest of them. Are you sure thats a right time? Keep up the good work, and don't let ppl tell you you are slow. Keep swimming hard, and soon enough, you'll be dropping seconds.

  4. If your new to the sport and just starting off and going into high school yeah those are good times but as far as USA competetive swimming no those are barely B times the 50 free is a BB thats not bad but the 200 im is and A so thats your best but keep working hard

  5. For a summer swimmer only, those are pretty good.

  6. I am a summer swimmer, and I say that those times are pretty good depending on what the strokes are and such.  You could cut each time back by a few seconds though. :)

    Hope that helps!

  7. those are excellent time!! congrats!!... that is amazing for never swimming year round

  8. Yeah those are great times!! Im your age and never swam year round, either! But those times will improve if you swim year round! theyll probably improve by a good 5 to 10 seconds!! So you should consider it, you could be really really good !!!

  9. Thoose are preety good! Your 200 im is really fast! You should stat thinking about swimming year a round!
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