
Are these indications that you house is haunted?

by Guest64845  |  earlier

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I am visiting my grandma in a very very small town.This house she lives in is OLD and she found a letter upstairs and it was dated 1902 along with some other old suff. A little while back I had a dream that There was some killers after me and my sisters and we took shelter in a barn house out back. A little while later we found out there was a barn house out back And two coved up wells.

Today wewe keep hearing little bangs on the window like roke hitting it we thought it was just kids but later on I was all alone and I looked outside the window and was waiting to catch them and I heard it again but now I knew it was not kids but some thing else.

Later on that day I wa waching T.V and it felt like some one gave me a dshot in the arm and then it whent num. And it hert BAD and then all of the sudden it stoped just like that one second herting like some one shot me tyhe next it was normal. I walked upsairs ( It was HOT) and then all of the sudden I felt a cold spot on my left side. I Got scared and moved up a little bit. and the cold spot whould follow me I would leave one spot and go to the other and it would stop and then start again. So what do you think?




  1. Thats freaky, and from what your saying your house sounds haunted.

  2. I don't know about the house being haunted, but I do see that you have a psychic gift.  It is very likely that you are tuned into whatever place memory is there.  Did you ask anyone in your family if they had any similar experiences?  I'll bet you will find you are not alone.

  3. Don't be afraid. If it is haunted, you need to take control now. Be firm and let them know how you feel about it. Say a prayer or protection. But don't assume it's haunted until you have some real "action", you will just scare yourself even more.

  4. It is very possible.

    Unless it is doing damage, leave it be. If it is getting nasty, try something like burning white sage (incense) and that will help get rid of it.  

  5. okay, it sounds like you are probably a sensitive. From what you wrote there are spirits in and around the house, but noone has been able to see or hear them yet except you, because as i said i believe you are a sensitive. Meaning you are in touch with the spirit world and may have psychic and ESP abilities. Maybe you should ask on here if there are any psychics or mediums or sensitives who can help you understand what you are sensing in the house. Don't be scared though i don't think they are going to hurt you or they would have tried that on your grandmother already. I think they just want someone to communicate with. But, i am not a psychic, so i really think you should ask someone on here if they are and get their advice. P.S. If you do feel threated by the spirits, burn white sage and say the Our Father throughout the house.  Good Luck sweetie and May God Bless You, Always.

  6. i really believe in tht stuff but i dont think it hauntd if it is id wait to actually see something unbeleivable before thinking such a thing

  7. yes its f****n haunted

  8. Again if what you are saying is true you and your sister are staying in a haunted home...  But then again the land that your home is builted on could be what is really being haunted... with out knowin where the home is and the history of the land makes it hard to be accurate at this moment.............

  9. A cold spot in the paranormal realm supposedly is a spirit trying to manifest itself so it is drawing energy from the room, leaving it cold. It sounds like a paranormal experience, but I don't have enough information to make an educated guess.Keep a journal of any experiences that you deem unordinary. And dont be scared-spirits cant hurt you unless they are malevolent. Email me if you have any questions or you can supply more info. Good luck.

  10. I think you're letting your imagination run away with you.  A little noise from the wind, and your arm falling asleep from lack of circulation is not evidence of haunting, especially when ghosts don't exist.

  11. the cold would be a spirit by you or your really scared...anyway my family belives that dreams have some meaning.Some one might fell in the well a long time ago,try to look it up online or in old sound like the house is haunted.

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