
Are these jeans more flattering than skinny jeans???

by  |  earlier

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what do you think?




  1. skinny jeans are iightt,

    but theyre SO much better than those jeanss.=]

  2. nonono. not at this time at least. skinny jeans rule(;

  3. NOPE

  4. I personally dont like skinny jeans (flashback to the 80's ankle sucking jeans that make your feet look big and your hips look big) so I will say...Yes!

  5. no i like skinny jeans better!

    do my friends question?

  6. no they disgust me !

  7. Skinny jeans are better

  8. Eww no!

  9. i love widelegs. they look awful on fat chicks though.

  10. No.

  11. They only work on people who are really skinny. They aren't more flattering on anyone, though...

  12. I like skinny jeans, better.

  13. no burn them  

  14. nope.

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