
Are these magic the gathering deck combos legit?? or no..?

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so heres my situation. if you have suggestions let me know seeing as i have thousands of cards. i have a multicolored sliver deck, that so far as anly really beatable by a burn deck, but not to say its invincible haha. I recently made a red?white deck, and a green/blue. i cant get you the cards off the bat rigt now, but what are your thoughts on deck combos...i know its vague, but i used to play alot, and im getting back into it. !!thanks




  1. For a sliver deck to fully function properly, you need to dabble into cards from far back as stronghold.  Here is what I have for my Slivers;

    5 Plains

    6 Forests

    6 Mountains

    6 Swamps

    6 Islands

    29 Lands

    1 Sliver Queen

    1 Sliver Overlord

    1 Sliver Legion

    1 Crystaline Sliver

    1 Muscle Sliver

    2 Quick Slivers

    2 Cauter Slivers

    2 Essence Slivers

    2 Root Slivers

    2 Bonesplitter Slivers

    2 Frenzy Slivers

    2 Plated Slivers

    3 Gemhide Slivers

    3 Winged Slivers

    3 Shifting Slivers

    3 Homing Slivers

    31 Creature Spells

    as for red/white and green/blue look into ravinca guildpack and eventide.  Right now I am tweaking a White/Red/Black Eventide deck, and spitemare is really awesome right now.  For 2 colorless and r/w r/w you make a red and white 3/3 creature that says whenever it takes damage it deals equal to the damage it receives and if you drop a scourge of the nobilis on top of that..... +2/+2, fire breathing, and Lifelink.  That little combo will stop even the biggest army, and if you have an enchantment giving it the ability to block as many creatures it wants.... it is devastating to say the least and you gain so much life while doing so.

  2. Unfortunately I had spent an hour typing up a response and then my computer restarted and I lost all the help I could give :(  So I am going to try and remember what I said lol.

    Slivers are a doozy.  Since it's all colors, you want many split land cards so mana isn't an issue.  So cards like Bloodcrypt.  Also, you want cards like Diabolic Tutor so you can get the important Slivers faster.  Mana Batteries are useful also.  You may want to put in Dragon Arch if you have many multicolored Slivers or if any Slivers you have cause others to be more than 1 color, even in your hand.

    Now for red/white.  You have a variety of ways to go.  We all know red as small goblins, burning, and dragons that will rip off your opponents' face.  White is prevent, heal, soldiers, and lots of vigilant flyers with first strike.  So I see 3 combos you could do that might work.

    1. You can make the main focus of the deck Dragons and then have plenty of prevent cards.  You get many little goblins and soldiers to soak up the blow as you build your mana pool for the dragons.  Dragonstorm is a must if you add in Seething Songs (to help build up the mana fast).  Fervor and Vigor are excellent enchantments to have out.  Your creatures will have haste and vigilance.  Of course you should get some ridiculous white defenders so you can keep some of your creatures around while your mana is building.  Heal is always a yes with white cards.  Focus: Keep the opponent at bay with weaklings till your mana builds up to play the dragons.  Stall with heals and prevents.  Average-Long timed game.

    2. Goblins and Soldiers is another choice.  Fast to play, but weak.  So you can always throw in Goblin Kings and Leonin Sun Standards to boost them up.  Also, Coat of Arms is an excellent way to make the 1/1's and 2/2's into 8/8's and even higher.  Akroma's Memorial will make those buggers Gods.  Throw in a few destroy land and enchantment cards to slow them down while you build.  I've found this card to be useful with Goblin King: Mystic Compass.  It'll let you make an enemy land a mountain so they gain mountainwalk.  Your goblins can be your attack force, soldiers your defense.  Darien, King of Kjeldor is a nice addition if you have heal cards to back up the loss of health.  Throw in some Goblin War Strikes and you have some additional burn.  Focus: Play fast, evenly distributed attack and defense.  Burn mixed with heal and plenty of creatures to have no problem with blocking or being open.  Make them God-like near end.  Fast timed game.

    3.  Burn and heal takes both colors from their backbone.  Get plenty of low costing prevent and heal whit cards along with red burns.  Shocks, Volcanic Hammers, Lightning Bolt are excellent creature killers for early game.  Late game you might need Blazes and other X costing cards.  For heals. I would suggest putting in creatures that heal you when they come into play like Angel of Mercy.  To last long, prevent combat damage cards will be useful so grab 1 mana costing cards like Holy Day.  For creatures, you could go 1 of two ways.  Incorporate mostly white creatures that will heal you when they come into play, or just have very few creatures that will tear up their opponent's.  Putting in both Akromas (Angel of Fury and Angel of Wrath) is an example of what I mean.  Focus: Burn off the little cards and heal ridiculous amounts of life back.  Play either 1 big creature late game and finish them or many medium sized creatures with heal effects.  Average timed game.


    Now green/blue has a lot of interesting choices.  You have with green tons of mana, small elves, and big big big monsters with trample.  Blue you have flying and counter abilities, as well as draw cards and many tricks.  I'll give 3 choices you could do.

    1. Beasts and counters.  You can keep your opponent from playing cards while you build up a large mana pool and unleash crazed beasts.  Of course for counters you want Counterspells, Cancels, Force of Wills, and other cheap countering cards.  Since the beasts will be expensive, you want some reduce beast cost cards.  Urza's Incubator, Krosan Warchief and Krosan Drover will do the job.  Also you need a large mana pool so Dawn's Reflection will be useful for the multicolor of the deck, Overgrowths, and Kodama's Reach.  Add some flyers if you want just to attack them at a different angle, but keeping beasts the main focus.  Also, it's never a green deck without Naturalize or a 1-3 mana card that gives tons of life.  Focus: Keep what your opponent has off the field so you can play monsters that will 1 hit your opponent.  Mass produce mana so countering and playing a beast is never an issue.  Fast-Long timed game (depends on beast choices and counter choices).

    2.  Beasts and Flyers is the same as counter deck but this time you have mainly creatures in your deck.  Krosan Drovers will be useful since it is any creature spell 6 or more.  Since it's green and there will be of course tons of mana production, put in some massive blue flyers.  A counter or two won't hurt the deck but could probably be replaced with enchantments or instances to buff up your creatures.  There will be a lot of strength in the deck, and only a few turns to start the overflow.  If you wanted, you could put in low costing flyer creatures just to be an early defense.  As always, add Naturalize and 1-2 life giving cards just to be safe.  Focus: Play large and in charge creatures that can attack the opponent and they can't stop it.  A few counters (maybe) and plenty of mana production.

    3.  Elves and blue Wizards is an experiment.  I am not too familiar with blue wizards but I know how they work.  The elves will be your strike force, and your wizards will help you build it faster.  Everyone knows elves for being tricky.  The more you have on the field, the more they do.  Wellwishers, Elvish Champions, Elvish Piper, Elvish Vanguard, etc.  With blue wizards, there will be an incredible hand drawing action going on like with Riptide Director.  You will have plenty of cards to draw so the elves flow faster and thus the game ends quicker.  For safety reasons if the hand drawing goes outa control, have a Spellbook handy (haha no pun intended) A few countering wizards like Daring Apprentice would be good to add.  With Elvish Champions, you once again could use Mystic Compass to give the opponent a forest.  Focus: Build a massive army with elves and use the wizards to draw the cards faster.  Then overrun the opponent with the elves and use any other combat abilities the wizards might have.  Fast-Average timed game.

    Well these are just some ideas of deck setups and ways you could look at it.  I could've given you exact cards and numbers but I didn't know what you had available and I would rather help push you along with building you the framework of the boat and have you finish constructing it.  Welcome back to the Magic scene and I wish you the best of luck!

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