
Are these names weired?

by Guest64865  |  earlier

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these are names that i really like for my future children ( :


William Michael

Markus Collin


Misha Leah

a lot of my friends and family say they're strange and some say that they're really old fashioned and the names are odd combinations of diufferent cultures. . . . . . . I like them what do you think?




  1. I LOVE Misha Leah, so cute!

    and the boy names are good too


  2. I think they're pretty as well, and  as far as friends & family not liking them, they will be your children (when the time comes).

  3. I think they sound ok.

    You know listen to everyone's opinion about your choices and take notice of what voters on yahoo or any other polling place say. But don't let them influence your final decision. You are a unique individual with unique tastes and who cares what everyone else says about your picks!?

  4. I like William Michael and Marcus Collin. I don't really like Misha but I like Leah.  

  5. i don't think they're strange at all. i really really like the name misha leah, cute! i think they're unique, but they're not strange. i like all of them, but misha leah especially.

    i wouldn't think it's weird to have a classmate named any of those names, they're not strange!

  6. I think they are all good strong names but it matters more what you think.  You are naming a baby from infancy till it's golden years, so a good strong name is in order.  But go with your gut and you won't go wrong.

  7. William Michael I like.

    Michael Colin sounds better than Markus that just sounds bad to me.

    I don't like Misah at all. IT sounds like a hooker or something.

  8. No, the only name that is slightly different is Misha. The rest are all extremely popular names.

    I wouldn't worry about what others think.

  9. I like the names. I dont think they are strange at all. William and Markus are both common names and I already know 2 Misha'a. Good luck with naming your future children.

  10. I'm not a fan of William or Micahel, but Markus Collin is cute. I like how you have a popular name as the middle name, not first, but don't get too carried away.  You're naming someone for the rest of their life.  Don't just choose a name you loved for a month.

    And I really like Misha! It's really cute!  It doesn't go well with Leah, but I like them both!  Misha goes good with Raine or Nicole or Rianne. I also like the spelling Mischa.  

  11. i dont think theyre wierd at all

  12. No I defintley do not think they are weird. I like William Michael, better for a boy and Mischa Leah I like but I think it rhymes a little to much. I love the name Leah though, but perhaps with a middle name like Grace or something. Leah Grace. But that is all just my own opinion.

  13. i dont think there strange

  14. I like all of them. And let me tell you this...who cares what they think. It's YOUR Seriously, don't let them stray you. Names are also a mothers intuition!

  15. i like names just not Markus and Misha .

    Girl ;  Leah  Hope


    William Michael

    Justin Collin

  16. switch markus and collin and then switch misha and leah so that its Leah Misha and Collin Markus. THose have more of a ring to them.  

  17. They aren't weird at all! I prefer the spelling Marcus, but I still like it. I like William the best though :) With Will as a nickname.

    I like Misha a lot, but idk if the middle name flows. How many syllables is your last name?

    I'd like to add.. I think the name Collin Michael would be GORGEOUS!

  18. I love your boys' names.  William and Michael are both popular right now, so even though the names have been around for a long time, they're not particularly old-fashioned.  Since I slightly prefer Collin to Markus, I'd probably use Collin as the first name, but either Markus Collin or Collin Markus is very nice.  I don't think the cultural combinations are odd, since all the names are commonly used in English.  If you were naming your child something like Demetrius Pierre, Alexei Deshawn, or Ewan Sa'id, those might be odd, but your combos aren't.

    While I like both Misha and Leah, I probably wouldn't use them together.  They both end in the "uh" sound, so I don't think they coordinate very well.  Misha strikes me as a boys' name, since I know a Russian man by that name.  Why don't you use Leah as the first name and find another middle name that doesn't end in the "uh" sound.  Here are some ideas:

    Leah Marian

    Leah Gwendolyn

    Leah Miriam

    Leah Naomi

    Leah Maeve

    Leah Michelle

    Leah Mireille (mee-RAY)

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