
Are these normal thoughts?

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I have a 5 year old son, and i love him to death and would not know what to do without him. His dad is not in the picture, ive raised him since day 1. I do not want anything to ever happen to him, and i pray for his safety every night, because there are so many weirdos out there. But what i want to know is, is it normal to have the thoughts of something happening to him, its like there is another voice inside my head sometimes. I just want to hit myself in the head, and i have and said shut the h**l up, lol. Does anyone else have this problem? is it normal? How do i stop this?




  1. Mom: you're typical single mom, that loves her son very much, and yes you seem to be over-protective, but you really need to be in this day and age; and no mam, I don't really think you want to stop that little voice in your head, because that little voice inside your head is the Lord, telling you, to calm down, don't worry so much, God will not let anything happen to your son, or you! You both are God's children, and He loves you very much.Mam, if you didn't keep on your toes, then you'd start to worry me, mam, you're fine, and your son will be fine too!I had the same feelings you do now, with all 4 of my children.

  2. I think it's normal because it's always been just YOU looking out for him and his safety.

    If you can talk to yourself about always wishing for his safety, maybe you can talk to yourself about easing up a bit in certain situations.

    Is it normal, heck yeah.

  3. It's completely normal - it's how we keep our kids safe. We don't let them run in the street because we've thought about them being hit by a car. We don't let them play near a river because we've thought about them falling in.

    If yopu feel like these thoughts are taking over your life, though, you should speak to your doctor. It's not normal or healthy (for either of you) for you to spend your whole time panicking about what might happen.

  4. You are a good mum, that's all. We all worry about our kids, it's normal, necessary, part of our instinct for survival. I used to take more risks, but now I am more careful because I know my son needs me.

    Sometimes those pictures come into your head, your worst fears about your baby or child, and yes, its better to try not to let your thoughts go there. I force myself to visualize a happy future, or push the negative scenario out of my mind by imagining my son in a positive scenario. You can use the same happy image whenever negative ones appear. I'm a bit less worried now that the toddler years are past, when even little things can be dangerous.

    At five, your son is old enough to start understanding about which strangers its okay to talk to, and which not. I have started asking my son, "Is it safe to cross the street?" when we come to a red light or green light, and I wait until he decides before we go. You can play act the lessons about dealing with strangers, and see what he says, and help him understand about the world. Or ask him what he would do if you were at the park and he was playing and suddenly couldn't find you. This has helped me worry less, knowing that he is learning how to look out for himself.  

  5. Oh hunni, of course you are normal. I have three kids aged 13, 8 and 3 and I constantly worry. The trick is to know what risks to let them take so they can learn by their own mistakes. I hate to tell you this as I wish it weren't true but whatever they do they are going to get hurt sometimes. Your job as a mother is not to stop it happening but to try to keep them safe and to be there for them to make it better when when the bad stuff does happen.  Whatever you do though, don't wrap him in cotton wool and stop him having fun or he will be one h**l of a rebellious teenager that gets up to god knows what when he gets the freedom!!!(personal experience of my life!!) Knowledge of the world and how to asses the risks in life is the best gift and protection you can give him. I have had split chins / broken wrists and sliced open knees and god knows what else to deal with over the years but that's life and it could always be worse. Its not what you stop happening that makes you a good mother its how you deal with it when it does.

  6. it's completely normal.  Just throw those thoughts out as soon as they come into your head, and pray for your son every morning and night.

  7. it is normal to worry about your child but when it starts to affect your life you need to deal with it .I was having fears of my oldest child having a car accident ,I stressed about it the end I was actually likely to make it happen by scaring her I had to get a grip .I realised part of my problem was my relationship with my mother .I had just been through a very stressfull time and I had a fear of loosing my daughter like I lost my mother ...I was basically suffering from PTS...and I needed to deal with it .I did on my own but most people would need to talk to some one about this ..I would cut the thoughts off as soon as they jumped in my head ,I would tell my self why I was stressing and try to let it go ..

  8. i think its totally normal, i love my babies to death, but ever since they were born ive been so worried about something happening to them. ill be planning a trip some where and ill have these thoughts in my head, like we cant go there, or do that in case something happens on the way. i have these thoughts ALL the time. i think its just part and parcel of being a parent. just tell your self he'll be fine and don't listen to those thoughts, push them out and replace them with happy ones.  

  9. Those thoughts are in many heads! I do not have children on my own but i do take care of my younger sister, brother and now my nephew. Those thought run through my mind constantly because i love them so much! I used to be really bad when my brother was a baby. I lost alot of sleep because i costantly checked on him at night just to see if he was breathing. I have been to therapy and it's normal to think such thoughts. The only thing that you need to watch for is being over protective as the child gets older, this will push them away from you. It can hurt your guys relationship in the future. You mostly have the feelings probably because he is the one thing you have that you dont ever want to go!

  10. its normal. youre just being a bit worried cause you care. =]

    dont get to worried though.

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