
Are these orbs?

by  |  earlier

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im not sure. some 19th centuary abandond building. we snuck in. when we saw the pic we ran out scared.

but are they orbs, or dust particals.




  1. These are dust particles on both the lens and in the air. The light reflection cause them.

  2. Orbs are often dismissed as tricks of light in the camera lens, and not classified as true evidence of the paranormal.

  3. All the term orb means is a circle or round object so in that  use yes, but they are dust.

    Consider these facts you  snuck in an old  abounded building stirred up the dust inside, took pictures with a flash in relatively dark conditions. It is dust you captured not spirit orbs. Spirit orbs are a myth.  Now if you ever capture a transparent person in which everyone with you saw it and saw it was transparent, you may have something, but those can be faked.


  4. could be orbs but I am no expert.

  5. 100% Dust, if you do not see an orb with the naked eye then  it is dust, reflection or bug.

  6. That's the mirrored disco ball ghost!

  7. ...that looks like a dirty lens....clean your lens....

  8. Sorry to burst your bubble, but it is dust on the lens. While I believe in the paranormal, that picture is certainly just dust.

  9. That is dust particles. Old buildings are full of them.

    They don't have any validity, form, color or any sign of movement to them.


  10. No.

    Take the picture without the flash on and you'll see what I mean.

  11. NO nice try though. Too many "perfectly" arranged light spots. probably sun reflection off a diamond ring or simple sun spots. That room is not abandoned. It is haunted by a ghost that wants you to stop looking for attention on YA by posting bogus questions.

  12. those are defiantly not dust particles, those are orbs

  13. if you do not see an orb with the naked eye then it is dust, reflection or bug.

    orbs doesn have any coding written in it for it can be visible only thro camera lenses

    so unless u see it thro naked eye, believe its gonna be dust

  14. Could be either one.  Only a professional would be able to tell you.  I believe there are sites you can go to, to submit your photo and they will let you know which it is.  

    On a side note, I always find it interesting that none of my pictures have orbs except for when I'm ghost hunting!

  15. Orbs are dust particles. Six of one, half dozen of the other.

  16. I think it is just dust

  17. Those are seriously not's the type of lense and the light reflecting off of things

  18. sorry but no i saw one it looked like light and energy concreted in one and it looked solid not see trough
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