
Are these paranormal experiences or hallucinations?

by Guest57051  |  earlier

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1. When I was in high school, and right after my grandmother passed, I arrived home one day after school. Went downstairs put a load of clothes in. Heard a woman say my name and I thought it was my mom so I yelled upstairs that I was in the basement. This happened twice again as she called my two more times. When I went upstairs I said aloud "Didn't you hear me. I said I was downstairs." No one was there.

2. One night after putting my little brother to sleep, I was lying in bed trying to get to sleep. I remember being unable to move and a light sort of like moonlight on water was on my closet door and I heard what I thought was my grandmother call my name. It lasted for a few seconds. Then the light disappeared.

3. I used to stay with my mother and her fiance in his house after I came back from college. I was sleeping in the basement and I heard a sniffing around my face and I felt the sensation of something sniffing me. I couldn't move and didn't see anything.




  1. Are they paranormal or hallucination? You can't absolutely rule out either possibility. But you can consider the probabilities and see what's the most likely explanation.

    When I read the title of your question, I had a hunch you'd be talking about experiences where you were sleeping. Sure enough, 2 out of the 3 experiences were associated with sleeping. Most paranormal events reported seem to happen as one is falling asleep, during sleep, or when waking up. It's during these times that the conscious mind can be confused between what is real and what is happening in the subconscious (dreams, in other words).

    Regarding your 1st experience, such auditory hallucinations are common. My wife has come downstairs at least once and said "Yeah, what did you want?"  I never called her, but she thought she heard me call her name.

    Since both the semi-dream state of waking and auditory hallucinations are well known and common, while ghosts/spirits have never been shown to exist, my bet would be the former.

  2. All three are paranormal experiences.  They're not deceased loved ones or past pets but demonic entities messing with your head.





  3. i don't think they are hallucinations. but the first one may be the fact that you missed her and you heard her from a time before. second sounds the same. and the third is probably ur grandmother trying to figure out where you have been. hehe!


    (='.'=)  <'}}}><


  4. I've had a lot  of the same things happen to me in my life. You are not crazy or hallucinating.  Your just a person who can contact the other side, the paranormal.  Spirits know this and will try to make contact with you all of your life.  I call it being a ghost magnet.  For some reason people like us just draw spirits to us.  You should try to find a psychic group in your area and explore your talents. No matter what other people say there is more out there then we can rationalize with science and religion,  life goes on after death, in some cases they come back to contact us.

  5. I would say that two out of three were visitations, the third could have been an animal spirit or sleep paralysis.  I have had recently deceased relatives, and some that I have never known do things that you described in one and two, I have also known people who don't believe in ghosts to call me in the middle of the night or day in a panic, because something just wasn't right!

    As for number 3, had it happened more than once?  Did your Mom's fiance have a recent pet die or something.  Even pets that have died will continue checking out the new intruders after they die sometimes.  If it was a one time deal I would say sleep paralysis.

    We all have abilities to see and hear, some are just more intuned than others.  Three occurances of normal life experinces is no reason to think you are crazy though.

  6. There are people here who are real believers.Pretty much every out of place sound is a spirit.There are also some honest paranormal investigators.I think they'd say the same thing as me.Numbers 2 and 3 were almost certainly dreams.Number 1,who knows,but that type of thing happens to everybody.

  7. I would suggest starting by examining your question. The question assumes an either or basis they are hallucinations or they are paranormal.

    However, perhaps you should consider a and also approach.

    Many highly successful ESP experiments have been conducted while a person is asleep (link below) as well as the Ganzfeld experiments (link below) which limit input from the the physical senses (just as sleep and hypnosis would do).

    These were personal experiences that were not experienced under controlled conditions so they provide no evidence for anything paranormal OR hallucinations OR any other normal explanations. Thus, you are free to choose the meaning of your experiences and believe any cause you wish. I suggest choosing the meaning that you are most comfortable with and makes your life better.

    Only you (not believers, not debunkers, no one else) can answer this question in any meaningful way.

  8. Hello Bonny

    These are all normal, natural psychic events.


  9. Hallucination can very well happen, the brain is able to muster the right chemicals to make this happen. However, I think these happenings are genuine. The moment my mother died, she appeared to a friend who was sleeping, and she called 5 minutes later. Also, I started seeing a dark ghost figure walking around my house for 2 weeks.. Oh man, I had to really battle my rational mind about that for a while, it was so creepy.. Even though it's long gone and I barely remember what it looked like, I made sure to write down that I saw it many times for reassurance later.. Ghosts are very real, science just hasn't found a way to determine how they exist.. Trust your experiences, they are Your evidence. But do look into rational explanations as well, a hallucination is always a possibility. Cheers!

  10. Could very likely be hallucinations.  A friend of mine who is a psychologist, told me that both visual and auditory hallucinations are quite common, and happen to people all of the time.  Also, dreams, media etc. serve to build memories of things that never really occurred.

    Many of these people mistake these occurrences, false memories, etc,  to be paranormal phenomena, when they most often have a psychological basis.

    Based upon what you described,  I really saw no evidence of anything paranormal.

  11. Sounds like you are very intuitive to me. Do not be afraid, you are just being watched over and loved. Spirits will go to the ones that can hear them and sense them and even see them. You are special.

  12. Did you have any pets that died?

    That voice probably was your grandmother...but the skeptics will say you had one of those dreams that paralyze you..(Can't remember what they're's late and I just got back from babysitting) I heard a voice call my name to wake me up one morning when I was oversleeping...the alarm didn't go off.

    edit..It's called "sleep paralysis" can google it.

  13. If I were you I would distrust anything happening right before or after sleep.

    Also, some things sound like one thing when they're actually not.  This is especially true if things are noisy and you're distracted.  It can also be more likely when your mind is occupied or ripe for suggestion.

    I'm not saying these things didn't happen.  I'm saying perhaps the real events didn't happen quite as you perceived them to have taken place.

  14. the debunkers will tell you, you suffered from *sleep paraylsis* and its normal for people to experience such when they are asleep or on the verge of being asleep...thats what denie is trying to say.......

    in my opinion you proberly werent halluncinating.....

    the name calling out happens quite often to people including myself over time....

    no 2, it proberly was a quick visit from your grandma, they do communicate alot in this state....i find its when we are relaxed and the most quiet time of the day....its the best time to get our attention......

  15. If they are not hallucinations, spirits are trying to communicate with you.

    Spirits are otherwise known as satan's little helpers. Angels cast from heaven when they were defeated and thrown out. Spirits are not the other dimentional form of your deseased loved ones, however they love to impersonate people , animals, or whatever in order to gain influence over you so that you might make the same bad choices they did in order to be vanquished from heaven.

    When people die they do not know anything or do anything. They aren't floating around, they aren't sitting on a cloud. The 'spirits' of dead people are waiting in stasis, not thinking or doing...until the day that every living being that is or ever was is raised to life and answers for the decisions they made in life.

    You don't need to see a psycic, they are second hand impostors. If you want to understand this world and the next and the the Bible.

  16. There are stories of the sort. Typically, these images or sounds are external signs of things that happened in you at the subconscious level. Since you couldn't notice them your body tells you through images and sounds. I believe its a natural thing not to worry about nor to get tangled into, just like any other sensory perception.

    What your image tells me is that you loved her deeply and that is the greatest treasure ever.

    The important thing to look for is whether or not you felt at peace after the event.  Mind what those images tell you about yourself, but treat them with the same skepticism than you would a  complete stranger and don't hang on to them as if they were some treasure.

    Best wishes

  17. If they are not hallucinations, what can they be.  As far as I know there are no spirits.  It will be your mind that will be playing the tricks.  If such things do happen why do they not occur to two persons simultaneously.  Say have you ever experienced such things when you are with another person, say your friend, a sister or a brother.  I am sure you haven't. Has  your little brother heard anyhing or saw something when you saw the light or heard your grand mother.  I do not know how old is your little brother ofcourse.  Try and find some reasonable explanations for the sensations you are having

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