
Are these paranormal tv shows real or just for entertainment?

by Guest21549  |  earlier

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Scariest Places on Earth


(any others that you can think of)

please ad an explaination




  1. I think they're a little of both.

  2. When Ghost Whispers first started, I found it to be more of a reality. She was teaching and explaining spirits/ghosts. It turned into a regular show.

    Both a friend of mine & myself was approached, by a producer from "A Haunting". They wanted to do a show on one of our experiences we had. The producers wanted to change the entire experience into a lie, making it more scarier and scenes that weren't even part of the experience. We told her, we would not accept that. They told us then forget about it.

    Taps, Most Haunting and other shows like them, makes me laugh but angry. They give false information to investigators.

    Spirits do not zap our energy, they come through from a different dimension, and move our atoms, particles ect around, so the energy leaves the area, which creates the coldness & drainage of batteries. My source, experiences, being able to connect the dots from Quantum Physics.

    It is entertainment you are watching. Young minds are open to alot of nonesense, feel that, if it is on tv then it is real.

    I know I will get alot of thumbs down on this. If just one person becomes aware of the trueth, it is worth it.

  3. These shows are just for entertainment.

  4. Hi

    They are all true like TAPS. They investigate a place find out if it is haunted or not then they tell the owner or the person if it is haunted or not.

    Most Scariest places these places so exist because most of it is stories is in Louisiana specially magnolia Plantation...

    I have blessed houses ect I have seen ghost with my own eyes and my husband has too so it up to you to believe and

    seek for yourself but they are programs to proof the thin side of this veil does exist.  be blessed...

  5. Remember, the bottom line for any TV show being on the air on any commercial network is MONEY. If it makes money, it stays on the air. If it doesn't, it's days are numbered. And the best way for a TV show to make money is to be entertaining.

    That being said, I don't doubt that the major players in some of these shows (e.g., Grant & Jason on Ghosthunters) really want to put their best foot forward and present a show about what they really do. However, the producers always have the last word on that. For example, it's kind of ridiculous that TAPS does their investigations in the wee hours of the morning, but I'm sure it's for spooky effect of walking around in the dark. I have a hunch that if they weren't doing a TV show they'd be limiting their ghost hunting service to more reasonable hours. Just a hunch.

  6. I believe that Ghost Hunters is real but then Scifi puts a spin on the show and makes it entertaining for the public. Being a paranormal investigator it's not that entertaining to sit in a dark room at 2 am! On the evidence part it is possible to get that much in one night. My group has at one time got 4 EVP's in one night.

    They go to notorious haunted places that's why they get results...

    On the flip side they have had cases where they didn't get anything.

  7. Though I do believe spirits exist these shows are for entertainment.

  8. no it's not real

    most of this tv show are fake or for entertainment ( thay do anything for money)

    for i believe ghost maybe things we can't see but we can feel them

  9. Well, I look at it like this.   The producers of the show are looking for ratings because ratings=money.    They have a lot to gain from making things up.  

    I can almost assure you that the Scariest Places on Earth is mainly staged.  I don't think they ever claim that the noises the people are hearing are paranormal.   They just tell the people a scary story, send them out to spend the night, and then bang on the walls to scare the c**p out of them.

    As far as TAPS goes, I'm sure their intentions are good.  My father works with another ghost investigation group, and they do things a lot like TAPS.   They don't get nearly as many results though...  It's usually very boring.   I guess they get the benefit of all the boring stuff ending up on the cutting room floor.   Is it real? Not sure.   Most of it seems easily explainable, and some of those "EVP"s they hear could be anything...stray radio signals even.    

    I mainly watch for the entertainment value.

  10. yes ... for the intelligent, they are a waste of time

  11. R-E-A-L entertainment. Seriously, they are stories based on real life events.

    "A Haunting" is another excellent series. I've done some research on some of their stories. Sometimes the events that took place were many times worse than those depicted for the screen.

    Something you should know. MOST of the very worst hauntings are never publicised.

  12. Some are more sincere than others. Like several people already mentioned, ratings and profits are the primary motives of the producers - otherwise there would be no money to produce the show. There are several that are so ridiculous that I can't stand them (Scariest Places on Earth is one).

    There is, however, a difference between the motives of the producers and the motives of the investigators (at least the ones I know of). The TAPS crew take their work very seriously, and would probably like to do their TV investigations the same way they did their non-televised investigations, but it would be so costly and time-consuming that the show would never make deadline. They still do their best to be accurate and genuine within the limitations of the show.

    Their was one show I watched that had some errors in it and I, along with several others, asked the primary expert contributor how these errors made it into the show. They responded that they tried to tell the producers that these mistakes needed to be corrected, but the producers were in so much of a hurry to get the show on the air that they simply ignored this person's advice. So it aired with the errors intact. (Yes, I am being secretive on purpose :)

    BTW: Somebody above wondered if haunting investigators actually do most of their work at night. They do for several reasons: quieter, fewer disturbances, no effects from the sun to deal with, and they turn off the lights to reduce the interference from them. It does have the added bonus of making it spookier though!

  13. These shows are for entertainment only.  A good way to tell is to watch the show while remaining conscious of the things that happened in post production (i.e. the editing, the spooky music, etc.) added to evoke a certain emotional response from the viewer.

  14. Most tv shows are just crappy fake entertainment to give kids nightmares at night.

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