
Are these people mediums?

by Guest57447  |  earlier

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Mycroft...I heard every word...but you're right..when it was something I had just asked God ears perk up. It's like a "high" (I guess. lol) I think I got addicted to it.




  1. Like witchymel8, I have to say that these incredible coincidences or synchronicities are the result of your guides at work. It's an accepted fact, however, that we all possess psychic abilities...perhaps some of them were mediums or maybe clairsentient's and do not fully understand their gift...they may just feel an "urge" to talk about something in that moment or some time before. If it's ad lib, you can be sure it is some type of psychic ability...if the sermon was written even a day before, one has to consider some type of outside "intervention". My own experience has been that when a new phase of my learning is about to or has begun, it seems the exact knowledge or person shows up that opens my mind to new information....and it's all courtesy of my my opinion.

  2. Well, in my opinion I think it's God answering our prayers. He works in very mysterious ways, and what it all boils down to is "Divine Guidance." Everything is in a perfect, and pre-planned order....and everything happens at just the "right" time EVERY time. I wouldn't say it's the preacher being a "medium" persay, I think it's just that particular pastor planning his lesson out beforehand and it "just so happened" that you were there at that particular time to hear him discuss the topic. I believe it's Divine guidance AND Divine timing...because God always knows what's on our minds, and when we have a strong "need" to know something, he always delivers the answer:)

  3. No they 'prey' on your guilt. It is a proven fact the more they can incite a person the larger the collection in the basket.

    I believe that many religions perform a valuable service. They explain that there is a God and help people to lead moral lives. They also provide a great deal of support for people that need it, which in turn allows other people to benefit from the giving.

    Churches are a good thing. But no, how could the same sermon apply to everyone in your pew little alone everyone on in the church?

    I used to think the same way. Probably because our ears 'perk up' when they mention something we may have done ourselves. It is something akin to someone calling out your name in a crowd, (I say this with reservations) you usually only hear what is important to you.

  4. Interesting question. Usually a medium is thought of someone that communicates with the surviving spirit of a deceased human being. However, some people have included angels and spirit guides (and demons) into the definition of medium.

    Just brainstorming here are some ideas:

    You could have been thinking about this before the sermon (even subconsciously) and this could have effected the preachers choice for his/her sermon.

    Back in the day it was thought that you would have to either  have sent him your thoughts or he/she would have to have picked up on your thoughts like a radio signal.

    However, quantum physics and entanglement has shown us that transfer of information (that we currently have the ability to detect) is not required for one particle to respond to the actions of another particle. There are many current (mostly theoretical) theories that say we all have the information available to us from a field that we can access.

    So, the preacher and you don't have to be any more psychic that any other person for this to happen.

    I have included several links below including links to web sites of organizations that conduct scientific research on mediumship that have provided supporting evidence.


  5. I don't know.  Maybe it has something to do with the collective unconscious or synchronicity.  Perhaps we are more connected than we  are aware.

  6. Some preachers could be, but remember you were in church. Many people ask God the same things.. Preachers talk to many people and usually know what kind of things are going through the minds of their congregation so therefore try to give a message that will reach many.

  7. Well.. i do believe there is a way God communicates to them.. It happened to me a few times as well. God sends the message through them sometimes..

  8. It's possible the priest and the medium get their information from the same source.  That is, a medium often discusses romance and finance because those are topics that are often on someone's mind.  I would assume the priest when giving her sermon would want to appeal to those things which concern his flock most.  So it could be that your concerns aren't all that uncommon.  Also, when you think about it a priest can cover a lot of ground in a sermon, so she will probably hit on your topic eventually, right?

  9. Christians tend to pray about the same things. I know, I was one. There are very common themes in the church that the faithful are concerned about. However, you are suggesting that it was something more specific than this, so my question is this: what's more a likely, a coincidence or your pastor could read your mind?  My money is on the coincidence, especially since nobody ever in the history of mankind has successfully demonstrated mediumship powers under controlled conditions.

  10. maybe god tells them the troubles that people are facing in that part of the year?

  11. I don't think that they are necessarily psychic. I think it's more so that they are openly spiritual and that they are prone to taking nudges from the Angels. I have had the same thing happen to me. I am not Catholic but I once went to a Catholic church while I was travelling and pastor looked me right in the eye (out of 200 people) and said something that floored me because it was right on target.

    Synchronicity could have something to do with it. Although it's hard for us to believe that other people could be needing the same thing we are, at the same time, it is possible...everything is supposed to be in Divine order.

    There are also those that go to church sometimes and get nothing out of the I think that also makes the synchronistic event more possible for others.

    I have also had it happen on TV. The Angels work like that. If you ask the Angels to send you a sign, they work in just that way. I think that they are the ones that arrange that kind of thing.

  12. I know what you mean.  I am not a holy roller and not until recently did I begin to attend church.  Right before I went to church I was complaining to my husband about the different denominations in Christianity.  He is Greek Orthodox and I am Roman Catholic.  I said to him "Why can't they be one, we are all christian".  Well, when I attended my first mass in about 7 years, the priest mentioned during the sermon how "There is no right and or wrong in the Christian faith and how one day he hoped that all Churches would be one."  How odd is that?  I was in amazement.

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