
Are these pics good?(not a rate me)?

by  |  earlier

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Im 14 and was wondering if these pics were good?




  1. What does your age matter??

    They're ok.

  2. the 1st one is better

  3. okay i give u 2 points cuz the pic is only 2

  4. The second one has a nice shot of clouds which is what the subject is.  The first one I couldn't really decipher the subject.  I do not know if you were trying to take a picture of the pine tree or what.

    Other than that, both are nice pics.

  5. Totally. :)

  6. The first one is. The second is meh. It's still alright though! :]

  7. the second one was pretty nice, but the first was not so excellent.

  8. well i have to say being a photographer myself the first one was good  though you might wanna cut out the  tree on the side  of the palm to make it look like  the palm and bottom tree with sunlight and the second one is good but too much going on when i look at it you know that seeing something out of the corner of your eye that is what i get with that tree in the bottom so maybe cut that one out so that you can see only the tree and clouds ....just a little advice hope this helps

  9. They are both sweet! I like the first one better.

  10. They are ..........normal

  11. The first one was better, but they were both mediocre

  12. They're decent. I prefer the second one.

  13. Don't go MAD-MAD-MAD

  14. Yes of course they are. looking at them makes me feel calm. doesit make you. I think so it should because this is called NATURE

  15. Both are good!! I love weather photos. The tree's my fave.

  16. They are good, with more practice your pictures will become AMAZING, good job!

  17. woowww

    you are gifted!

  18. i like the first one because you used the elements of arts well, such as line, color, and texture, and managed to create a mood. the second one, well, to be honest, its a pretty picture, but thats really all it is. i think it could have had the potential to be more. keep taking pictures, you never know where it will lead you!

  19. they look like they were angled too high but otherwise good

  20. the sky in the second one is pretty cool looking.

  21. lets see yo booty

  22. i like the second one

  23. I like the the first one but the second one is just ok. it isn't doing anything for me. =]

  24. Tis a fine tree

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