
Are these possible signs of sexual abuse with this child...?

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she used a black permanent marker to make her barbie doll's b*****s look more realistic. she would make her barbie dolls have s*x. she would rub her v****a against her teddie bears face. she was caught watching pornography at a very young age.

she's only seven years old.

Could she have possibly been sexually abused?




  1. No, it doesn't mean that she was abused. Kids become sexually aware a lot sooner than most people assume that they do. And they often explore those feelings at a young age as well. You don't want to jump to conclusions and end up accusing an innocent person of a crime and ruin their life forever. If she saw pornography at a young age then there is not much you can do about it now. What is done is done. It's important that you don't make her feel ashamed of herself for some of the things that she does. It's natural and she's not doing anything terribly wrong.

  2. I agree with glazy s but if you think it could be happening it's best to keep a close eye on her. you can call social services if there's nothing to hide it won't hurt and if there is you could be doing her a huge favour.

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