
Are these real contractions or Braxton Hicks?

by Guest34261  |  earlier

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I'll be 35 weeks tomorrow and my cervix length is at 1.5 cm and the Dr. said that I have started dilating. At this point, having already started thinning and dialting, are the contractions I'm feeling real contractions or Braxton Hicks??? I'm feeling them about twice an hour. Please help with this.




  1. Call your doctor.

  2. If they are steady and coming regularly, that is a good sign that they are real. Try walking. If they are braxton hicks contractions walking should make them ease up, but if they become closer together instead, you are probably in labor.

  3. Go sit in a warm bath if the stop they were braxton hicks! If you are starting to dilate you can remain this way for weeks!

  4. If they go away, they are not real! Contractions do not stop until you have delivered your baby. Time them and most doctors say to go to the hospital or call them when they are coming about every 10 minutes or so. More than likely, they are Braxton Hicks if they don't continue

  5. Its hard to say.  I would call your doctor and ask.  They are most likely real if they get closer together and continue for more than a couple hours.  Don't be afraid to call your doctor.  Doctors are used to paranoid women, especially when they are as far along as you.  

  6. Usually the school of thought says that if you lie down and the pain stops they are not real contractions. I used to get terrible braxton hicks when walking, but if I lay down they would stop. Once my real contractions started nothing except a warm bath stopped the pain.

    You will know, trust me, when they are real.

    Try to take it easy right now. You are still a little early. Rest as much as possible.

    Good luck, and congrats!

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