
Are these real paranormal sounds from h**l,...?

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  1. It could be. When I was in in college I took a class called Death & Near Death various people who claimed to have had near death experiences or had been code blue for 9 minutes or so related their experiences to the class.  There was this one woman in particular that claimed that she had committed suicide.  She claimed she had gone to a very dark cold place where there were fire pits everywhere & she could hear people screaming in pain & wailing in terror & that she saw demons & she heard a voice speak to her asking her why did she attemt suicide .  This voice  told her that the demon who stood in front of her was a mirror image of her personality.  Where the voice was coming from was an illuminating white light that she could feel a warmth from . She was told that she would be given another chance of life if in return to tell the world that h**l did exist & those who abused their life or others would be sent there when THEY died.      I find it all very interesting.  It is your choice whether or not to believe in the after life.  Should you want to stick your head in the sand like a stork & believe that this is our only life so be it.  But why would only this life exist?    It does not make any sense.  Surely there are others.  How would you explain past life regression?

  2. lol I can make scarier sounds than that!

  3. This is the Unknown that we're dealing with, Kris

    In truth - I don't know if these are "paranormal sounds from h**l" -- but it's something disturbing, that it for sure...


  4. there is no heaven or h**l

  5. It is not. Check Snopes, says it is false.

  6. the only paranormal sounds from h**l come from a really terrible boss.

  7. First one would have to have documentation (sworn statements at the very least) from the people that were on this drilling sight that a microphone was lowered and these sounds recorded. Then one would have to examine the actual tape, if this recording is digital it can be edited and is thus worthless as evidence of anything. Did any of the original workers hear these sounds?

    Next a program that evaluated the sounds for being in the human vocal range would have to be used on these sounds. If these voices are human it could easily be a fake recording. If these voices (if they are that) are outside of the vocal range that humans could make then maybe there is more evidence.

    One would also have to examine other recordings of geography to assure oneself that plates moving don't just sound like this normally.

    There are so many problems with the assumption that h**l has been reached and human voice boxes still work that almost any other explanation should be tested first (Occam's razor).

    So, my best guess is no.


  8. dunno but very interesting.

  9. Actually the bible describes h**l as a lake of fire in several places. Revelation 20:10 is one of those places. Although I agree that its probably not a litteral description.

    But no, those are not the sounds from h**l. This is an old urban legend. They did dig a 12 kilometer deep well in siberia, where they measured slightly warmer temperatures and did not hear screams from h**l.

  10. I am a paranormal investigator with a gift for getting evp. (Electronic voice phenomenon-basically ghosts and spirits recorded on a digital recorder)  I've been able to contact ghosts (those who have not crossed) and spirit (those that have).  I get direct answers to direct questions.  I have converted many skeptics with the evidence I've gotten.  My evps are constant.  I get about 100 per hour.  It takes me about 6 hours to go over one hour of recording because I get so many.  They appreciate you being polite.  There are of course negative presences, just like in life.  For anyone who is a skeptic, I just tell them to go to my page.  If that's not enough...well...I've got about 1000 more evps I can play for them to change their mind...and it WILL change their mind.  The afterlife is real.  There is no h**l as far as they know.  Even those who have commited the most heinous of "sins" get to go to the other side with the people who lived life on the "straight and narrow".  But before you go thinking that is a blank check to do what you want...they see everything...and I do mean do.  God may forgive your sins...but your family will just gossip about you!

  11. I am in two minds, sorry.

  12. i dont think so. the bible says that h**l is nothing more than eternal separation from God, not this giant fiery pit everybody thinks it is. it would be more of a cold place. this is probably fake, either that, or, well, im wrong.

  13. No they are not.  Of this I am absolutely positive.

  14. I heard it and it is disturbing!  I don't know that those are actual sounds from h**l, but I hope that I don't have to find out the hard way either.

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