
Are these reasonable for during the school year?

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Here are my goals.

Are they reasonable?

With health;

Flat stomach[]

Thighs that don't touch[]

Tiny hands and wrists[X]

Visible collarbone[X]

Visible hipbones[X]

Smallar arms[X]


With weight;






With clothes;

Fit in size 0[X]

Fit in size 00[X]

Fit in size 14(kids)[]





  1. If I were you and were intent on changing your body shape, I'd just work out (30 minutes 3-5 times a week) and eat right.  After that, the work should go into effect and you'll see results.  It's not about starving yourself, just smarter choices...  More veggies and fruits, less sausage and potato chips, that kind of choice.  It's actually what I've been doing for the summer, and I feel great!  I don't have a weight goal, I'm just going to the point where I feel better about my body.  You can always talk to your doctor or a dietician if you feel you're not doing something right, and they can help you get a plan to get back into shape.  It's going to be hard work, it isn't going to be fun, but I can guarantee you it'll be worth it.  Good luck!

  2. 1. NO ONE over the age of 13 should be a 00

    2. 5'8" and 100 pounds? get some help.  I'm 5'4" and about 120 and Im a size 4, very small and dainty, so it you're 4 inches taller you shouldn't weigh 20 lbs less. ew.

    the nasty bone-thin look is out.

  3. marilyn monroe was a size 14 which is a US size 10 and shes renound as one of the most beautiful women in the world, still

    and also from tons of surveys, men prefer girls who are a size 10 or 12, which is a US size 6 or 8

    i wouldnt recommend loosing the weight deliberately, if youre naturally thin, eating a healthy balanced diet(the occasional treat wont hurt) and exercising(even just walking instead of getting the bus) will keep you in shape

    140lbs is the ideal weight for a girl 5'8", anything under 112lbs is underweight

  4. It depends on your current weight. If you are already very thin, then these probably could work. But otherwise, those seem mighty hard to achieve.

  5. This is some obsessive compulsive anorexic sh*t.

    stop reading thinsperation sites, please. do yourself a favor.


  6. crazy and zany in agood way

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