
Are these restrictions really necessary?

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I went to Petsmart today to do some of my regular shopping. I went to the back, and decided I wanted a couple of guppies for my tank. I went and asked the lady if she could get me some. She said "are you 18?", I obviously said no. She said "Sorry we're not allowed to sell fish to people under 18, is you're parent or guardian here? (she literally stated it like a permission form). I said no, my parents were at the home depot, at the very opposite side of the plaza I was in. I kept arguing with her about since when they started that rule, since I'd gotten some fish from them before, and she said "You must be mistaken, that's always been a policy here." Finally she called her manager over, who couldn't give me a decent explanation, and just said "It's just one of those rules, you know? Sorry." He finally after arguing about 5 more minutes reluctantly let the girl bag up some guppies. I have also had thsi problem once with Petco, but that was only once and I haven't had that problem since. What's up with this? I'm friggin 14! I might understand more if I was asking to buy a bird or hamster or snake, etc., or if I was a 7 or 8 year old wanting to buy a fish, but come on, who are these restrictions helping (And if that is their genuine concern, why not make the age 12 or 13)? I mean I'm old enough to work there! I'm not asking to buy alcohol, cigarettes, graffitti, pain killers, p**n, I'M ASKING TO BUY A FIIISSSSHH!!!!! Imagine you're 17, able to work, drive yourself to the pet store, but you can't buy a fish! I also had a problem similar to this. I was at petsmart (another time), and my mom went into costco across the street. When I was done I went over, just walked through the doors, and the card checker stopped me and said I had to come in with my parents. I argued and she called the manager, who just said "it's a rule". I asked him to show me where it's written, since generally policies so firm would be posted in the front with everything else. He couldn't. Since I obviously wasn't going to get through him, I just stopped and gave him a snotty laugh just to make him feel stupid ( But seriously, what is it with these people who make the rules up?




  1. First of all I would like to ask you exactly what you think the difference is between a bird, a hamster, a snake, or a fish is and why you think you need to care more for those animals than for fish?  Fish, in fact, need better and more specialized care than any of these other animals.

    There is a clearly logical reason behind this rule, and I enforced it in the pet shop I worked in (we didn't even allow kids without parents in the store).  The reason is kids will go into pet shops and buy animals they are not allowed to have and the parents will come back to the store and yell at the employees for letting their "14" year old buy fish. Either that or you will just end up dumping them down the toilette.

  2. Its called CYA (Cover your a$$). see heres the deal,we live in America, home of the frivilous lawsuits. 18 is the age of concent with just about everything. Anyone under the age of 18 is deemed a minor (and according to some, do not make the best decisions.) With that being said, I'm sure some one some where tried to sue a Petsmart or Petco for selling their kid a fish.  

  3. im 13 and regularly go down to  my local (non chain store) pet shop and buy fish by myself

    its been fine

    just get a note from your parents LOL

    i would join your local aquarium club

    i have and now i can get fish at realy good prices

  4. im 14 and i go to petco and petsmart alot to buy feeder fish, only 2 did they say i was to yound to buy them, its like there 12 cent feeder fish there gonna die nomatter what age the buyer is lol, yeah thats really annoying when they just make up rules out of nowere but im just like fine more 12 cents for me

    also im tall and i have facial hair so they probably thought i was older most of the times

  5. I work at Petco and the reason that we enforce this rule (or at least are suppose to) is because in the past when we didn't, young teenagers (12,13, 14, 15) would come in to the store and buy fish, then would return them a few hours later because their parents said they couldn't keep them. It puts stress on the fish and is basically a waste of our time when this happens. You may have your parent's permission to have fish, but a lot of kids/teens are not that responsible. We still allow kids in our store without the parents, we just don't sell them any animals.

    Oh, and you have to be 18 years old to work at Petco or Petsmart, so you're not old enough to work at either one.

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