
Are these short jokes funny ?

by  |  earlier

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I worked as a stand-up comedian in an old people's home once........

None of them understood my jokes but they still p***ed themselves.

If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.

A mother, cleaning her son's room, finds an S&M magazine under the bed.

Upset, she immediately shows the magazine to her husband.

"Well?" his wife asks. "What do you think we should do?"

"I'm not sure," the father replies. "But we certainly shouldn't spank him."

I phoned the local ramblers' club today, but the bloke who answered just went on and on.

A chicken walks up to a duck stood at the side of the road, and says 'Don't do it mate, you'll never hear the end of it!'




  1. Ha ha ha.!!!

    They are Excellent mate.!!!


    Cheers Chris, critics everywhere, lol.!!

  2. well the old people must be laughing at you rather than with u because those jokes jus werent funny!!

    No offence but im only giving my opinion dont take it personal.

  3. lol  yeah

  4. lmao i loved them lol

  5. haha

    They are funny.

    I liked the last one best.

  6. im saddened to say that the last one with the chicken and duck made me laugh, im now worried about my sense of humour

  7. no, there not

  8. ___________________0_______ ___________

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    Always love yr jokes,

  9. i liked the s&m joke!

  10. Yeah.

    I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my Grandfather, not screaming in terror like his passengers.

    I ♥ the succeeding one, had me rofl!

  11. i suppose they could work with the right delivery, but the seem average to me. and as a heads up i've heard other comedians already use the skydiving line. so if your looking to continue as a comedian just be careful you dont steal any material.

  12. In all honesty, I only liked number one.  

  13. no, you need to work more.i think more concentration will work.

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