
Are these signs he likes me

by  |  earlier

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Do u think my guy likes me. Ive known him for bout a yr hes asked me bout 4 times since then have i met any guys the last time he asked he was like u sure u havent met anyone. When we go for walks he keeps touching my shoulders n arm and standing real close like in my personal space making out hes showing me something. He keeps resting his head on my shoulders and yesterday he was making compliments on my nail varnish and pinged my bra strap as he made a comment bout my strap. When he sat by me his body was facing my way. What do u reckon




  1. yeah dear, he does like you.

    you're real lucky.


  2. he definately likes you;...

  3. yup, he like you

    congratulations, or not haha

    depending whether thats a good thing or not

  4. You can tell by his body language if you are uncomfortable about it then tell him but if you like him to then go for it react to what he is doing in a good way!!!

  5. He wants to bone you !

  6. Yes i think

    all the best!!!!

  7. Yes!! He definitely likes you. When a guy tries to find a way to touch you and does it constantly then he likes you especially when he comments and compliments you on little things that maybe most people wouldn't notice about you. One major hint the man likes you is that he's asked you out 4 times!!

    Do you like him in return? If not don't lead the guy on and if you do Good Luck to both of you!!

  8. Well yes, do the signs need to be more obvious?  Ask him out (if you want to).

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