
Are these signs of child who has been abused?

by Guest58463  |  earlier

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my best friend told me that she saw her daughter who was around 10 at the time repeatedly feeling up her barbie doll between the legs as she was playing quietly in her room, and more recently she walked into the sitting room and discovered her (the girl is now 13) with her hand up the skirt of a porcelain doll feeling it between the legs. i find this a bit disturbing. what do you think?




  1. I am a child abuse survivor that is a sign however look for things such as sudden out burst of anger also signs of withdrawal from friends and I would just start crying I became very nervous around my abuser. The best thing is to ask her and let her know she did nothing wrong and believe in her. I was told if I ever told people would say it was my fault and I would be in trouble and be called a w***e I'll keep her in my prayers  

  2. This question does not sound genuine.

  3. Oh em.. im not sure. Keep your eyes open for more signs I suppose.

    Maybe she just saw something on the tv and wanted to copy it?


  4. I dont think it is a sure sign of anything sinister. Young girls are always very curious about theirs and other girls bodies. experimenting with dolls, and even other children, is not uncommon and is also perfectly normal.

  5. 13....and puberty.....!!!!! She definitely saw some sexual activities.

  6. that definately is a sign that she has been adused or subjected to sexual activity. maybe she saw her parents having s*x or something in a movie.. hopefully thats all. you definately need to investigate this to make sure she is not being abused as we speak.

  7. yeah.. i too find it disturbing, but i dont think shes being abused but more like lonley at school or having some trouble wih social stuff at school with friends which kinda leads to isolation and kind of stuffs up the mind of a child mentally... like the old saying ' a childs brain is like a sponge' so yeh.. or maybe shes just sexually active. never know unless you talk to the child about her social life and stuff.

  8. just curiosity I think

  9. Dolls dont have anything inbetween there legs usually just smooth plastic maybe she is just curious at this age. Maybe she just likes the feel of the smooth plastic like kids like the feel of taggies. Becareful of making the kid feel dirty or wrong when she may not be doing anything wrong at all.

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