
Are these signs of pregnancy??

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Period was Aug 11-16

had s*x 15th

Ovulation 23-26 BD 25

So 27th of aug to Sat

I've been cramping, slight headache, lower back pain, slight spotting and when I wiped I saw this stuff, almost like a yeast inf. but it's not itchy or anything. No STDs! My b***s nothing. Sick sometimes but not strong?

Should I be spotting now, I dont remember that u cramp during ovulation or after. I never did. My next period is Sept 8th




  1. Why don't you just wait a couple more days and take a test...? Those don't really sound like pregnancy symptoms....But that doesn't mean your not pregnant...

  2. i have the same symptoms


    you never know

    you might be

    i have discharge here and there

    headaches too

    but my b***s arent tender but im pregnant

    good luck!!

  3. yes or pms..good luck

  4. Yeah but I would wait and see if you get your period if missed take an hpt.  

  5. Spotting pink or brown is a pregnancy sign. You can pregnancy test 7 days after a missed or short period. Best wishes, G

  6. i just found out that i am prego, and i still get cramps. But i am very early on., i tested 3 days prior to missed period, which is suspose to come tomorrow, but not now. cramping early on i read is normal. so is spotting. just not severe bleeding or cramping

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