
Are these signs that he's not into me?

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Went on a date with a guy 2 weeks ago. At the end of the date, he agreed that we should go out again - even asked if he could call me the next day. He'd text me almost everyday after that to say hi and see how things were. Then his work schedule became really hectic and he lost his phone so I didn't hear from him for a few days. Got a text when his phone was found and said his schedule has been nuts. Then he told me the days he's off. I asked him if he still wanted to get together and he said he definitely did. He had plans to go to a game but couldn't remember what day it was. Today is one of his days off but I haven't heard from him. Since our date, we've just communicated thru text messages and the last text I received was 3 days ago.

Am I just being paranoid? Do you think he's not into me or is it just bad timing? Would he text me if he's not interested? Or is he just being nice?




  1. Hard to say... he could just be really busy right now. Take it easy, if it's meant to be, it will be. Don't put your life on hold for him though.

  2. he's not interested busy,and losing fone  all top lies from lying bas move on and find a nice lad that will treat you the right way,if you learn from this you will be just fine oh and the one thing i always let people know is dont take it personally(dont think if only i was this or that or was it because such n such)...he not the right one for you and thats all there is to it.

  3. I think if a guy really likes you he would MAKE time to see you...sounds like this one has lots of baggage.  Texting is a rude way to communicate for a new relationship.

  4. He doesn't lie.. if he was lying or did not want to meet you again he had plenty of opportunity to tell you that.. so he likes you he said he derfinitely wants to meet you.. With his strange work schedule, something might have happened... if you have his phone number then phone him at home and find out....instead of relying on email.. that may be down also or it may have got lost.. so phone him and ask him....I don't believe he is lying.. because it makes absolutely no sense as he had a lot of opportunities to tell you he wasn't interested and he said he definitely wants to see you again so there is no logic behind assuming he doesn't mean it as he has nothing to gain by lying in this case.....he could have said.. I let you know... and then just forgotten about it but he said '' Definitely I want to meet you again.. so something else is wrong.. Phone him..  x*x

  5. It sounds to me like this guy is probably seeing other girls beside you and is hoping to eventually get you in the rotation (if you catch my drift).  If he was really into you he'd find a way to take you out regardless of his schedule.

  6. You should of played  a little game of hard to get :P

    He shouldn't be the one tagging you along.

    He will text you eventually. Then just hear him out.

    You have to play a little hard to get, guys like a good game lol!

  7. if he wasn't interested he would of not texted you!

    your actin glike your married to this guy already!  Relax let it  play out see what happends!

  8. Only time will tell.

  9. I wouldn't take him too seriously unless he calls you.  Text messages are so impersonal.  If he was interested, he would make time.

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