
Are these symptoms of Schizophrenia?

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My fiancee is the most normal person you'll ever meet when he is on his medicine, but recently he's been off his meds (because he ran out and he's been doing some odd things)

Are these symptoms?

"organizing" things, when you're really disorganizing them.

Making "towers" out of things (tissue boxes, cds, remotes, anything found around the house)

Speaking in a language that only you "found and know"

Spending hours staring a peice of paper which you've covered in numbers and letters, insisting its "a code for all of mankinds problems"

Touching everything repeatedly

Thinking you're immortal

Being all lovey dovey one minute and compleatly hate everyone the next

Talking to yourself

Insisting on darkness

Hiding things (Playing hide and seek with objects such as lighters and tape)

Not remembering what you did 2 hours ago

Putting things where you would never put them otherwise (skrewdrivers in the sugar, water in a candle, ashes in your coffee, shoes in the freezer)

Going around pretending that your hands are hooves with your pointer finger and thumb touching, with your other 3 fingers firmly held together, and tapping on things

Turning off the air conditioner, when the person would typically have it on full blast

Eating or drinking things in ways you never would have (black coffee vs. coffee w/cream and sugar & tons of both, putting the cheese and burger outside the bun)

I could go on for hours, but I'm just wondering if some of these are symptoms.




  1. What is his medication for? this doesn't sound quite like schizophrenia thats more of a multiple personalty disorder where you talk and answer yourself eg. hearing voices in your head and thinking it's a real person

  2. Well, yeah...these are certainly behaviours characteristic of schizophrenia. I'm not certain why you're asking the question--you know he has this diagnosis, and you know he's off his meds, and you can see these new behaviours. He certainly needs to get his prescription renewed.

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