
Are these symptoms of panic attack ?

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I feel light headed sometimes

like my heart isn't beating hard enough or skipping beats

(I have a heart monitor on for 30 days and the cardiologist says that he hasn't found anything yet)

cold feet and hands clammy as well

feeling in my mind that I am having a heart attack or stroke

hot flashes

light headed and dizzy

cramps and sharp pains in legs, arms and chest

feeling like I just need to run and get energy out, once I take a walk or do jumping jacks, I feel better

nausea and diarrhea

I periodically get pain in left side of neck only, left arm only, right leg only

Tingling in hands

I have had many EKGs blood work and xrays and the doctors say all is well

I just had a baby 5 weeks ago and am waking up every 3 hours my husband helps out too

I am scared of a stroke but is this panic?




  1. You feel like people are looking at you and talking about you. And you get very nervous and you r heart beats faster and you don't want to leave the house ,There was a case of this woman in my city who never left her house for 42 yrs .She would run to the mail box and run back in the house .It must be a terrible way to live.But now they have main different drugs u can take to feel normal .I don't know if pain has anything to do with it but I am no Doctor,

  2. These are symptoms of post natal depression. It's normal..

    Make an appointment with you GP, he will tell you how to  keep it under control. It's very common, you have nothing to worry about :)

  3. YES

    I'm no doctor but i have personally experienced panic attacks, they are certainly not fun. After it happens you feel exhausted as well as confused.

    It could possibly be a mental or psychological thing

    but there are ways to help yourself when it starts to occur

  4. yes i have been though very same thing, avoid alcohol and walk plenty

  5. no ..they key ingrediant you are lacking is extreem fear for no apparent reason..Flight or fight ..not exercise energy

  6. Make sure you talk about this to your husband and don't keep it in.  Talk also to your GP and health visitor.  In the meantime Calomine tea is soothing.  It is very normal to be like this with a young baby as you are worried that if something happened to you who would look after your baby so it really is your mothering instincts doing this to you!  I bet when you are feeding your baby you feel very calm!  Take care.  I had a similar experience and it did go away after a few weeks.  Try not to over analyse the experience - sing  -  dance -  you can fool your body into thinking you are fine and then all of a sudden you are!!

  7. You are a new mother. Relax!  You are up often at night.  Constantly on the go.  Your doctor's haven't found anything.  You are just nervous.  Everything should settle down in a couple of months.  If not, revisit the doctor.  Because you are having pain on part of your left and part of your right, I doubt it is a stroke or a heart attack.  Just nerves.  All new mothers go through this or something like it their first time.  :)

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