I feel light headed sometimes
like my heart isn't beating hard enough or skipping beats
(I have a heart monitor on for 30 days and the cardiologist says that he hasn't found anything yet)
cold feet and hands clammy as well
feeling in my mind that I am having a heart attack or stroke
hot flashes
light headed and dizzy
cramps and sharp pains in legs, arms and chest
feeling like I just need to run and get energy out, once I take a walk or do jumping jacks, I feel better
nausea and diarrhea
I periodically get pain in left side of neck only, left arm only, right leg only
Tingling in hands
I have had many EKGs blood work and xrays and the doctors say all is well
I just had a baby 5 weeks ago and am waking up every 3 hours my husband helps out too
I am scared of a stroke but is this panic?