
Are these the 10 Reasons the Yankees wont make the Playoffs?

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I think its a bunch of c**p, i have faith in my team nothing or nobody is going to change that




  1. First of all, the article is titled "Why Yanks ***COULD*** miss playoffs." It's not an assertion that the Yankees WILL miss the playoffs. The first five reasons are pretty legitimate concerns, while the final five are rather bogus. It seems like a fine article, IMO. If you want to see some truly ignorant dreck in Yahoo! Sports, then start reading Jeff Passan's articles.

  2. They will probably make the playoffs, like always, and go pretty far in them, like always. But I don't see them winning. The Angels, Rays, and Cubs I think are all better teams than the Yankees.

    **Start rant**

    Next year the will probably buy another big name all-star and trade some nobody and they'll keep buying players until they finally winning the World Series. Seriously, like every all-star seems to end up on the Yankees now-a-days. Giambi, Rodridguez, the newly acquired Rodriguez, Abreu, Damon were all bought from other teams. Ticks me off. **End rant**

  3. actually DX. the sox finished 3rd behind the blue jays. But the yanks have been pretty much told they werent going to make the playoffs all year, and then they go out and make these huge trades. The red sox did nothing, and they lost 2 out of 3, the rays are still young and inexperienced, i give them 3-5 years before they become a threat if they keep their pieces. But for gods sake, the yanks have been there 13 years in a row, how could you count a team with that kind of will to get to the postseason out? And its the NY Yankees, without them in the playoffs, it would just be weird.

  4. The Yankees are my Dark Horse for the Wild card.  I think the Red Sox are going to be exposed in the Second Half.

  5. They have Joe Torre listed as a reason? Yikes.

    Watching Torre on the Dodgers is like watching a spectator at a  Bass Fishing Tournament. They look like they're thinking of all the cool things they're gonna do when they get outta this place and go home.

    And seriously, who wears a Rolex when they manage a game? Joe Torre, thats who.

    If the Yanks miss the playoffs, it will be because of all the injuries that have plauged them this year.

  6. I think those are all legitmate reasons and the problem with the Yankees is that I could see all of them happening.

    It is going to be a incredible race with the 3 powerhouses of the East and I am very excited to see who is going to win. I can't really tell right now, we will have to wait but I think those reasons are legitimate.

  7. amen yankees 2008 world series champs!!!

  8. that is c**p and the yankees arent only gonna make the playoffs their gonna win the world series!

  9. They made some pretty valid points and compelling ones at that BUT, as we all know, anything can happen in baseball.  Dont give up on YOUR team.

  10. It's always good to have faith in your team. In my honest opinion, they have a shot at making the playoffs, but I just don't believe it will happen.

  11. 6*, 8, 9, and 10 arent good reasons. Cant really argue with the others though.

    *addition of Pudge/Marte/Nady somewhat helps that situation

  12. My ten reasons GO BOSTON

    1. They compete with the Rays and Boston

    2. They are injury prone

    3. Wild Card looks tough

    4. Poor Rotation they are lucky

    5. Marte and Nady aren't living up

    6. Pudge is old

    7. The team is old

    8. They can sweep Boston but not Baltimore??????

    9.They are considering Barry Bonds

    10. Why replace Molina with Pudge

    My playoff preditions





    Red Sox




    2nd round





    World Series

    Angles over Cubs

  13. Where was the 11th where it said the second place team in the AL Central would get Wild Card

  14. ur right we proved are selves last year in august, this guy is stupid who had the best second half rcord in 05 and 07 nad 2nd best in 06. i hate the ppl that try to count out new york and then the make the playoofs, now theyve sucked in october but who gives at least they got there in 06 and didnt finish 3rd (eheemm red sox they finished a game nehind the raays so they oughtaa shutup and wait and see what happens. ppl seem to forget that experts are wrong a lot

  15. That article was written by a well known Yankee hater.  Need I say anymore?  The Yankees, as a result of their moves, should and probably will win the division.  Boston is in a state of turmoil with the Manny issue and Tampa Bay is starting to show their inexperience.

    The only team the Yankees will have to deal with is the Angels.  I love the Yankees chances right now.

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