
Are these the REAL economic stats?

by Guest63737  |  earlier

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"there was and still is good reason for the gap between common perceptions and government reporting: government data are biased in politically correct directions and increasingly have diverged from common experience and reality since the mid-1980s. Inflation and unemployment reports are understated, while employment and other economic data are overstated, deliberately."

Oops, look at the M3 figures - rocketing - just at EXACTLY the same point when the Bush administration stopped counting it.

Another amazing Bush coincidence?

Read this stuff - it coldly and soberly explains why this economic downturn is going to be bigger than the Great Depression... !




  1. Dear JL this felow is quite smart your just a trouble maker M-3 is why Busch is destroying the American currency.

    Folk's don't waste your time reading anything JL says .

    When oil and Gas and a loaf of bread is all $5.00 and more shortly,you'll know it's because all accountability is gone when the Busch Govt hides from the people all the dirty tricks being done to American people.

    Busch depended on the lazy people that have had their jobs sold out from under them.

    They want beleivers like a fanatic that will have fourteen children that all starve and grow up with almost no education just to be praised as one of the holy ones in the group.

    You dumb Jak As*s have ruined this counrty starting with old Ronald and Nancy.

  2. Wow, you must be easily persuaded by everything.

  3. yes

  4. most people are too 'busy' or can't be bothered to look into politics until it comes up & slaps them in their wallets.

    Cheney clearly wants to hide the true stats because they don't want people to panic yet, but they'll have the US economy on its knees soon enough. that's part of the plan:

    you're right, this is much worse than the Great Depression,

    this the end of America as we know it.  

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