
Are these the "Dark Ages" of American history?

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Just reading the various posts on this site gives me the feeling that we have sunk to an all-time low for intelligence and reason in this country. Most posters haven't got an original thought of their own but simply regurgitate some rhetoric they heard on Rush Limbaugh or Keith Olbermann.

Instead of hurling slurs and jabs at one another and the candidates, it would be great to see some discussion of the issues that really matter to Americans like health care, the ongoing war and the threat of wars, the economy, and the environment.

For instance, what exactly do each of the candidated promise to do for the issues listed above and what are their SPECIFIC plans?

That is what I would like to discuss. Not Obama's lack of a flag pin or McCain's war record.




  1. Not yet, but soon. In your lifetime.

  2. Yes!

  3. I'm facing a $2,500 deductible on my personal insurance plan, and the last thing I want is a Government-controlled health care plan. Did you know that there are month long waiting lines at hospitals in Canada for routine operations because the Government-funded socialist medicine plan doesn't give them enough money?

    I'm afraid that you have the wrong outlook on things. War is a thing that we have to live with. Humans are flawed, and there have been wars ever since the beginning of human history. If you think Obama and his "the UN should enact a resolution against the Russian/Georgian aggression" when Russia has a veto vote is going to change human nature, then you're wrong.

    The environment? Would that be "Global Warming" or "Climate Change"? I noticed the libs changed their tune when we started having the coolest temperatures on record! I guess that doesn't go well with "Warming."

  4. History will have to decide that. But seriously, I'm pretty sure people have always over evaluated their understanding of a situation.

    I'm sorry that people don't think.

    I can't change that, and frankly I'd be happy to return to feudalism, where only one person has to think, and it's to his benefit to think for the good of all.

  5. But there is nothing to discuss but history. The problem with your plan is that you need facts. There are none. With twelve sides to every story, and both candidated lying out of their teeth to get elected, what is there to discuss. It's gotten to the point where you have to vote for party philosophy and not the candidate because they'll say whatever is needed to get elected.

    Sorry, but that's the way it is in two party politics.

  6. no its just the internet

  7. Once you vote black you'll never go back!

  8. everybody is so anxious to get bush out of office they dont know what to do.

  9. It's simple: These are the things we don't agree on and can't come to any solutions.

    Health Care: Accessibility/Affordability for all; Democrats love the idea, Republicans think it'll take away from the quality.

    The Ongoing War: Democrats see the reality of the situation; Republicans refuse to see that it was a bad idea and just harp on, "The surge!  The surge!"

    Economy: Once again, Republicans refuse to see the reality of the situation and are content with being on the brink of disastrous.

    Stuff like this.......we fight.

  10. Good luck!!!

    If you want to compare the big two, check the BBC link out below.  Wikipedia have a comparison with all the candidates.

    Will not matter anyway.  The white guy always wins in the end.

  11. Yes, the US people are sheep and have moved lockstep to vote for Bush, then repeal Bush. Obama will suffer the same pendulum swing when he does not deliver his promised "change". Turn off the lights and move back to Europe, the US is finished.

  12. Trust me, it is the end of the world as you know it.

    We are launching into unchartered territory and can never go "home" again. Our dear, preciouis bodily fluids, testosterone, is all that will see the survivors through. The weak and ordinary will soon sink into oblivion. The weak, old and lame will be the first to go.

    But the details are not so pleasant and simple. Very few can handle the truth.

  13. Then you need to read more posts.

    Cherry picking the ones you disagree with does not constitute a trend.

    And, I love how you insert an insult while at the same time trying to appear reasonable. Classic.


  14. You betcha!

    America's "Golden Years" were the eight years during the William Jefferson Clinton administation when we had the lowest proverty levels, less people losing their homes due to foreclosure, lowest crime rate, and a booming economy leaving a huge surplus in the Treasury which was depleted by Bush in his illegal Iraq war!

  15. lol, ridiculous, NO..

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