
Are these the ramblings of eco-freaks or scientific illiterates?

by Guest33782  |  earlier

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Human-amplified greenhouse effect is presently about 2.5 Watts per square meter.

There is no doubt that the Earth is warming.

Changes in the Sun can not explain the warming observed over the past 25 years.

These increases in greenhouse gases are due to human activities ... concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is now at its highest level in 650,000 years.

We understand how carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases affect global temperature.

There are multiple lines of evidence supporting the reality of and human roles in global climate change.

President NAS before Congress:

How about these:

There is now strong evidence that significant global warming is


The scientific understanding of climate change is now

sufficiently clear to justify nations taking prompt action.

G8 - Joint Science Academies




  1. Those are just facts.  They don't call into question anyone's beliefs, or maybe desires, that their lifestyle is not a problem.  Furthermore, because there are people out there willing to dispute any fact for fame and money, those facts are largely irrelevant in determining anyone's beliefs.  (A good example is the guy who doesn't believe that IR active gases can affect radiative transfer through a planetary atmosphere, despite the volumes of empirical and theoretical evidence that this is so.)  We won't see near universal acceptance of the theory that man's activities are affecting climate until all affluent countries are being negatively impacted by the effects.  That by then it will be far too late is of little comfort, although it does satisfy my sense of justice that we all will suffer, even the guy who will die thinking CO2 was never a problem.  

    I didn't create the system, I'm just trying to live in it.

  2. That's just basic science which is the foundation of the AGW theory.

  3. Why not just put an end to the bickering?  Tell us if this year will be warmer or cooler than last year, and how you came to your conclusion.

    Of course you will be right, as computer models are accurate and are tested to hindcast past data without any error at all.

    Once you do this, how could anyone argue any further?

    [Edit] Sure.  Weather can be measured, climate can't.  We just have to take the "experts" word that global warming is going to doom us.  I can't believe people think "global warming" is a scam.

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