
Are these the type of people we really need to help?

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They got a brand new free home worth $450,000 and look what they did, should we really save them? Are these the typical types of people who are in foreclosure, irresponsible?




  1. Pathetic.

    But there's two ways to look at it.

    One is to recognize that when you help people, occasionally one will turn out to be a louse.  But you realize that most of the people you help will take the assistance and use it to put their lives together and make something of themselves. So you don't let thefew jerks deter you from lending a helping hand to you fellow human beings.

    The other way is to hunt for any negative story about someone who has misused the help they got and use it as a way to smear anyone who does need help. To use incidents like this to promote hate and bigotry-and to use as an excuse for excusing one's own greed and selfishness.

  2. The home was GIVEN to them and they squandered it.  Had they WORKED for it and EARNED it they would not have let it go so easily.  It should be our goal to provide assistance to the truly helpless, not bail out people because they lack personal responsibility.  This is just a small example of what's going to happen when Obama starts taxing us to death.  The taxpayer will pay out the nose for the lazy and aimless to squander and beg for more.

  3. No, those are not typical of the people we are trying to help.  Is Larry Craig the typical Republican?

  4. It is time for the Show Producer to review the rules & regulation to win the makeover house.  Restrict mortage of the house as it is a gift for them to stay not for investment.

    Shame the owner ON TV and get them to apologise to TV Viewers as they were make a fool to support the programme Show.  Take this as a lesson for all other Gift Show in US.

  5. It does go to show you that giving money to the poor doesn't solve anything.

    Unless you learn to take better care of the money you have and they were advised to get a finical advisor when they were given a home.

    This does shoot a hole in the idea that all we have to do for the poor is give them money and all their problems will be solved.  

  6. Absolutely not.  I don't blame the bank, in this instance, for giving them a loan against their equity.  They didn't do proper financial planning.  They get this beautiful home for free and even had 20 years worth of taxes paid for them!  IMO, they should have left well enough alone.  They deserve to have their home taken away.  It may be a shame, but they brought it on themselves.

  7. Sway, I think you are in your own way feeling sorry for yourself.

    Yes, you are correct, these people are incompetent, ignorant fools but people blow money and lose their life's savings everyday all day. Even some of our biggest corporations go belly up after having record amounts of profit and then you and I are asked to bail them out.

    That's life man, it's not perfect and it's d**n for sure not fair. If you want to help people help them but understand, just because you help them does not mean they won't fail you and one thing you will always be able to count onin this life is that people will always let you down but sometimes, they will surpise you.

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