
Are these true/false?

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1)A player can step completely over the centre line as long as he doesn't interfere with the play

2) If the ball touches an object eg. a rope hanging from the roof it is a replay

3) You cannot have a double hit on the first play after the ball crosses the net.

4)You can server anywhere behind the back line




  1. 1)false you can step over the line as long as part of your foot is still on or above the line but u probably wont get called for it if the ball isnt by the net

    2)true unless it comes back down on your side it is just like it hitting the ceiling

    3)true u can never double hit


  2. 1)A player can step completely over the centre line as long as he doesn't interfere with the play


    2) If the ball touches an object eg. a rope hanging from the roof it is a replay

    -it depends on the ref

    3) You cannot have a double hit on the first play after the ball crosses the net.

    -i dont ge this question

    4)You can server anywhere behind the back line


  3. 1) false- but if a player has a tiny bit of his foot on his court (plus the whole other foot) its okay.

    2) Depends on house rules- if it touches the roof thats usually an out

    3) True- on a hard driven ball (spike/serve) you can have two touches as long as its one motion. eg go for a dig and hits ur arms then goes into ur head- thats okay.

    4) Yes you can, but it has to be within the extended side lines.

    Hope it helped

  4. 1 true

    2 false

    3 true

    4 true

  5. 1)  False.......crossing the center line is a violation

    2) rules reign on this one

    3)  True....double hits are never allowed

    4)  True....but sometimes house rules control this one also

  6. 1 - False crossing the center line is against the rules during play

    2 - This depends upon what the local rules were but more than likely will be a point for the team who didn't hit it.

    3 - False a double hit is in effect at all times

    4 - The server can serve as far back as he/she wants but they have to keep the sidelines within the area they serve the sidelines go back as far as they can in theory.

  7. 1. False

    2. True

    3. are never allowed to double hit

    4. True

  8. 1) false. you cant go over the line. you can step on the line, even on the other players side. as long as your foot is on the line.

    2) false. it really depends on the ref.

    3) true. you can never do a double hit.

    4) true

  9. 1 True

    2 false

    3 false, if the blocker gets a partial block he can then bump the ball to save it

    4. true as long as you are within the side boundries of the court.

  10. Depends on the rules you are talking about.  

    NFSHSA-girls junior high and high school

    NCAA-women's college school



    1)False for every rules except NCAA.  Women's college players can cross the line completely if it does not interfere with play.  In all of the other rules, your hand or foot can be across the centerline as long as part of your hand/foot is on or above the centerline.

    2)Depends on the height of the rope.  If it is close to the ceiling, it is considered to be in play just like a light fixture.  If it is 15 feet or less, it can be a replay if the referees think that a play could have been made.  If the ball is clearly going out, the referees will not allow a replay.  The ball will be whistled in either case if the rope is below 15 feet.

    3)Multiple contacts are legal on the first team attempt to play the ball in all rule sets.  You may not lift or carry the ball, but you may have double hits (or more) as long as it is only one attempt to play the ball.  You can not hit the ball up and then hit the ball again.  That play will still be called a double hit.

    4)All rule sets allow serving from anywhere across the back line.

    Edited later-

    Since I have been outvoted 11-1 on the double hits rule, I will now include the USAV rule.

    USAV At the first hit of the team, the ball may contact various parts of the body consecutively, provided that the contacts occur during one action.  The NCAA, NFSHSA, and FIVB rules are worded similarly.  In other words, if you are trying to dig the ball and it hits your left arm and then your right arm and then your face and it is LEGAL.  I am not talking about a slow moving ball that goes up into the air and comes down into your face.  That is a double hit.  

    If it is a free ball and you use your hands and there is multiple contacts but no prolonged contact, it is LEGAL.  You can not be called for the double hit if you use your hands on the first contact.  You can still be called for a lift.

  11. 1) completely false,  if both feet go over the line, it is a net/line violation and the point will be given to the other team.

    2) True, because let's say that object was not there, and the play would have turned out different.  Plus it could be a help to a team, so it wouldn't be fair

    3)  True, because you cannot have a double hit on anyplay, except if you block it and then hit it again.

    4)  True, anywhere, as long as you dont have your foot touch the other side of the line before you contact the ball.

  12. yes the server can serve anywhere behind the back line as long as they are not completely in another court.and if it touches something on the roof it is a replay.u can never double hit.refs dont usually let u cross the center line trust me ie had a few girls come over and almost make me twist my ankle!

  13. 1)False

    2)False The oppisit teem gets the point and ball.


    4)True But u can serve any were from the red line back.

         I am on the volleyball team at my school!
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