
Are these true or false? (more details below)?

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Ever since I was a kid my mom always used to tell me that if you drink milk you will get this or that. Some of them I knew were false. But here are some that I am still confused with. Can you truthfully please tell me if the following are true or false?

1. If you drink milk you will grow taller.

2. If you drink milk you will have a lighter skin complexion.

3. If you wash your face with milk you will have a lighter skin complexion.

Thank you in advance.




  1. Very much true, also add some milk to your bathing water (dilute.)

    for best Complection n healthy skin.

  2. `1, Milk is full of calcium which helps support the growth of bone, however in none of my  MA classes were we told drinking milking will make you grow taller.

    2. Milk has absolutly nothing to do with your complexion.(just like drinking coffee won"t make you black)

    3. See answer to 2.

                                    Don't belive the hype.

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