
Are these two different tribes of Chinese people?

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All 4 are pure "Chinese" but as you know, like with Caucasians, distinct features like red hair, which were originally found in the Celtic peoples and Blonde hair on Scandinavians and Anglo's, were found on different ancient tribes of that region. Are these Chinese people also that way because they seemingly look Chinese yet they seem to be two completely DIFFERENT groups (no racist purpose behind this) of Chinese.


and its not just the skin color and tone, the actual texture and features are so strikingly different.




  1. there are many difference kinds of chinese people  they arecollectivelyy asminoritiess. but, the larges group of people are the Haons

  2. Han majority apart you have 56 different ethnic groups living in China. Moreover you have huge somatic differences linked to several environmental factors: as other said, China is huge.

    Lets say that, in a normal winter, you can afford temperatures of 30 C below zero in Northern Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang provinces and pleasant 20 Centigrades in Hong Kong, Guangdong, Hainan. You have people leaving on seaside and people leaving over 4000 meters above sea level.

    You have people whose staple food is rice, millet, sorghum, wheat.

    The population is so big that you may find a wide variety of types.

    About your pictures (that , in my opinion, refers all to Han people)  you made a set of methodological mistakes:

    A) You compare wealthy actors with a poor migrant worker and a guard of the forbidden city (that are choosen for their height and body structure). It is like to compare a famous hollywood actress or a supermodel, with a crack user living on a trailer and a marines' corporal: they will look different to you

    B) You compare young artists in the always wealthy Hong Kong with old working class woman, in an inner region and who probably lived the grat famines of the end of the fifties. It is like to compare an healthy model with my grandmother: they are different

    C) You compare northern (the Beijing soldier) with southern : they are different everywhere due to environmental conditions.

    D) You fish 4 pics on 1.3 billion candidates: your sample is too small (they could be extremes of any range)

    So , all 4 are pure Chinese Han, if the word "pure" has a meaning (there is no race, there is ethnicity)

    By the way, as other said, there aren't "tribes" considering that Han make more than one billion people

  3. I don't know if tribes is the right word but China has a very diverse population. People from Manchuria are quite different from people from the western provinces, plus Mongolians living in the north. Many others, too.

  4. There are 56 different ethnic groups in china - Nat'l Geographic had a fascinating map on the subject in their China issue. Han chinese make up most of the population, but many others abound.Check out this link -->

  5. There was a time in America that you could look at someone and be able to tell what region and sometimes what state they came for

    As we became a more mobile and transient society the lines slowly blurred

    China is less mobile as a society

    In many areas people spend their whole lives within a fifty mile perimeter

    My Viet wife never traveled more than 15 miles from where she was born

    As they become more mobile the gene pool will get deeper and the look will slowly blend together

  6. China is so large that one could drop Europe in one corner of the country & it would get lost. In addition a lot of mixing between Europeans & Asians took place in prehistory and the Kahn dynasty... giving Russians & East Europeans many Asian Characteristics & vice-versa.

    Due to huge geographical distances between differing groups of Chinese they evolved different languages & physical characteristics to cope with the various climates & some degree of natural selection. One even finds these differences among Europeans & especially among Africans. Note that East Africans are closer to Europeans genetically than to many South, Central & West Africans.  

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