
Are these two sentences same? ?

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1. It seems like he is looking for someone where he is calling to.

2. It seems like he is looking for someone at the place where he is calling to.

Are these two sentences same?




  1. They mean the same when I read them.  Albeit, the first one is a little confusing to read.

  2. kinda yeah kinda not. not exactly the same, but similar, and can have the same meaning if used in the same situation.

  3. no one has more words than the other.

  4. No.

  5. yes thats like saying the fastest racer ever the fastest racer in all of nascar

  6. The second one makes more sense. The first one gets messed up by the part "someone where". I don't think those two words flow right.

  7. No, one has more words! And as well, the second sentence seems more defining.

  8. yes,they mean the same thing

  9. no they are not

    one says "at the place" and the first sentence does not

    i win!!!!


  10. yup  

  11. no, simmilar diff meaning!  he is calling for one he is there and calling 4 the other one

  12. The two sentences mean the same - however, the second sentence is structured better and is easier to understand.

  13. huh?  #2 is more correct then #1 but both of them don't make much sense.

    "It seems like he's looking for someone from the place he is calling."

  14. Yes just that in sentence #2 they added in "place"... meaning He is at the same place he is calling looking for that person.

  15. Yes.

    It's best, however, to avoid ending a sentence with a preposition.  (to)

    It seems like he is looking for someone at the place he is calling.

  16. no.

    but thanx 4 the 2pts!!

  17. yes lol

  18. yeh but i fink u did it on purpose to confuss us lool its the same though preety much

  19. no, the first one sounds funny

  20. i think they are the same

  21. the meaning of them is. thesame

  22. The meaning is the same, but the second one is clearer.  

  23. Yes they are basically.

  24. basically

  25. yes, but its not proper english

  26. yes, the word "where" in the first sentence pertains to a certain location, and the "at the place" is just a fragment in the sentence, it works without it.


  28. 1. It appears he is looking for someone in particular (where) he is calling.

    2. It appears he is looking for someone in particular (at the place) he is calling.

    "where" and "at the place"  can be interchanged.

    I also repaired the sentences so they grammatically make sense.

    I would have rewritten these to make them simple and to the point without dangling participles:

    1. It looks like he is calling there for someone specific.

    2. It looks like he is calling for someone specific at that place.

    If your native language is not English then you will have to remember the sentence structure does not follow word order in Korean. Word order in English is more important because the grammatics is loose and you are not sure of the action of a verb if word order is changed.

    "Throw the cow over the fence some hay." makes perfect sense in German for example because on the conjugation of the verb and gender of the nouns, it is clear what is happening here. In English we are not quite sure if you are throwing the cow over the fence or the hay. Word order matters.

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