
Are these vacation giveaways legit?

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A couple months ago, I threw my name in some drawing for a free cruise. A week later, got a call saying I won and then asked for my credit card number & all that. I made an excuse and hung up. A few minutes later, they called my boyfriend's cell phone telling him he had won and all that same stuff.

We both threw our names in for another vacation giveaway a month ago. Someone just called my boyfriend saying he won a trip to Vegas, and said all he had to do was go to a meeting or something. So it's just all fake.

How can you tell if these free vacation things are real or fake?




  1. My inlaws won the same thing. They are mostly legit, because they are trying to sell you timeshare properties. The meeting you go to, is a seminar about what they are selling, and all that junk. My inlaws went, and like dummies got sucked into buying timeshare, and never use it because they can't afford to pay the maintnence fees. But if you are strong, and can resist buying timeshare, it's a nice free vacation. I would take the cruise one!

  2. As the old saying goes "Nothing is free in this world except death and taxes". These characters just use some premise to get you to fill out a form asking for personal details so they can build up a profile on you which they can then on sell to marketing companies.

    Theres a scam going around Australia now where you get a phone call from a recorded voice saying "Congratulations you have just won a free trip to the Carribean,all you have to do is ring a certain number to claim it". Of course you never win anything you just get a $6 charge on your next phone account for being silly enough to actually ring the number.

    So in short,don't believe it and if its free why do they want your credit card details?

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