
Are these waiter waiter jokes still funny

by  |  earlier

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Waiter, what is bug doing in my salad ?

Trying to find it's way out sir !

Waiter, what is this creepy-crawly doing in my salad?

Not him again, he's in here every night !

Waiter, what's this bug doing waltzing around my table !

It's the band, sir, they are playing his tune !

Waiter, there is a dead fly in my soup !

No its not, it's a piece of dirt that looks like one !

Waiter, there is a frog in my soup !

Don't worry sir there isn't enough there to drown him !

Waiter, why is there a fly in my ice cream ?

Perhaps he likes winter sports !

Waiter, can you get rid of this fly in my starter !

I can't do that sir, he's not had his main course yet !

Waiter, what is this bug doing on my wives shoulder!

I don't know - friendly thing isn't he !

Waiter, there is a fly in my soup !

Just you wait until you see the main course !

Sir you haven't touched your custard.

I'm just waiting for the fly to stop using it as a trampoline




  1. Nice, quick, simple, easy jokes.  Not the most funny, but they still cheered me up.  

  2. Not funny at all. I prefer jokes that are made by improvising with the situation. hehe

  3. no, not really

  4. VERY childesh

  5. I have been waiting for ages to extend my Tommy Cooper repertoire ... and now I have found it!   My kind of humour!   Great ...

  6. Frankly, I prefer them to sarcasm or insults. Luckily I grew out of the phase when I thought hurting others was funny.

    Life can be absurd and insane. What's wrong with a little silliness to get us through it?

    Think about it. They're using our tax dollars to kill strangers and addict people to welfare. I need a simple, harmless laugh.

  7. ok but not LOL funny

  8. Ha ha ha.!!!

    Good ones for my Daughter mate.!!!

    Cheers Chris.!!

  9. some of them are

  10.       ~<{♀+♀}>♥hilarious♥<{♀+♀}>~

    but be warned. if you ever get deleted again and NOT relink to me, i'll stew you myself.....

    dont you know that u are my fav funny duckling.  

    glad yr still quacking us up....

  11. cute

  12. MY 10 year old found them funny. He even lol'd especially the last one!

  13. Don't worry. Those are still hilarious. Here's a few more answers to the classic "Waiter! There's a fly in my soup!" joke:


    That's not a fly! That's a cockroach. The fly's in the salad.

    I know! Look, he's doing the backstroke!

    Why are you complaining? He's the one that's dead!

    What do you want me to do? Call a lifeguard?

    That's funny....there were two when I left the kitchen....

    Don't worry. The spider on the bread will take care of it.

  14. they're ok

  15. not too funny but nostalgic

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