
Are they any recomendations for good ankle braces for volleyball?

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So my varsity coach required us to wear anckle braces for volleyball, so i got the best pair that store had, but they really hurt my ankles so most of the time i didn't wear them, or put them on really loosely. But i already have a existing ankle injury caused by my short akilies tendon, and my ankles are pretty messed up, but it doesnt hurt that bad and im sort of use to it when it does. Anyway i went to the doctor to get my phiscal for volleyball and he got all bent out of shape about me even playing volleyball let alone with out "proper" protection, so eventually he cleared me as long as i got good ankle braces and wore them, he wrote my coach a note saying i couldn't start to practice untill i got them. so basicly im wondering if anyone knows what would be best for me, money is not really an issue, but i have theese special orthodics that i have to wear in my shoes so i guess im not really sure where to start. is active ankles the best or is something else better.




  1. Active ankle is the best thing i ever used....I still use it and i am not even injured. Takes getting use to but well worth it.

  2. I use active ankles and they have saved me quite a few times after landing on an oppenent under the net

  3. Active Ankles. the best brace ive ever seen.

  4. Active Ankles. My entire team has them and we all like them. They are very comfortable and very supportive without being bulky. I definitely think they are the best choice.

  5. Active Ankle Volt if you can find them. They have some carbon technology and are the best I've tried. I live close to where Active Ankle's were originally made and have been wearing them since they came out. They do take a little break in period to get used to but that is similar to new shoes. After a couple of games you'll be fine. It is still important to stretch your ankles prior to playing.

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