
Are they attacking Palin because she's a woman?

by Guest34352  |  earlier

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Why are the media attacking the c**p out of Palin and her kids? If Palin was a guy would they still attack him and his kids(exact same story/situation)?

Who cares that her daughter got preggers at 17? millions of teenagers get pregnant! nothing new!

Now first of all I'm not a feminist or whatever, I am just wondering why they are attacking Palin and her kids.




  1. they are attacking palin because she's a republican

    EDIT: to holy cow, i don't recall what she teaches to her kids any of your business, last time i checked this was about politics, not her family. you don't see me critisizing obama on how he raised his kids.

  2. well because here daughter is preg. and it is kind of a shame to Mc.cain but not because she is a woman i think it is great that there is a woman!

  3. I'm questioning her lack of experience and her so-called conservative family 'values'.

    Not because she's a woman.

  4. She is being attacked because she failed to teach her child about s*x, proudly advertised that fact and advocated it as state policy.  It failed. It was irresponsible.

    She put her daughter (and the rest of the kids in her state) at risk of unwanted pregnancy and STD's.  Never mind the risk to the fetuses from STD's which conservatives claim to value so much.

  5. She does things that upset the liberal left   Like not just handle guns, but hunts fishes, is an outdoors person.  She lives family values.  Will not support abortion and supports Her Daughter and her pregnantcy.

    She has been on the PTA  City councel  and a City Mayor and a State Governer.   She has fought and won against both parties.  And these elective offices, are what all want to be of both parties lack.  

  6. Folks tend to lash out at what they are afraid of.

  7. About the daughter, I think it's the fact that there was a TEENAGE PREGNANCY PACT just a while ago, and now she has a daughter who is pregnant AND a teenager.

    Also, mostly everyone but Fox News is "attacking her"   because they are wondering what the h**l McCain was smoking to have chosen Palin.

    I putting attacking her in quotes because it's just the US using their amendments to make fun of McCain and his choice....

  8. They are attacking her because she is a hypocrite. She preaches abstinence and conservative values but has a sexually active teenager that didn't have enough sense to use a condom, therefore becoming pregnant at the pretty disgraceful age of 17. They are attacking her because republicans run on a conservative platform based on Christians values and they judge everyone else based on those values. Now she is being rightly judged in return, based on the values she herself wants to hold others accountable to. Point being - people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.  

  9. Personally as an independent I don't think it has a thing to do with Palin being a woman. It has a lot to do with the fact that the U.S. has more teen pregnancies than any industrialized nation and studies have shown that schools with s*x education have a 52% lower rate of teen pregnancy than those that teach abstinence only. Now Palin, a huge propronent of "abstinence only education" has a pregnant teen. Proof that the platform she supports is the failure (not her parenting skills).

    I'm just concerned when a Presidential Candidate and VP Choice stand against s*x education, want to overturn Roe V. Wade, want to cut welfare and want to cut funding to programs. Let's not teach young people how to "not" get pregnant, but if they do let's make it illegal to get an abortion if they can't afford the child, let's not help support the child if they can't afford it, if they do give it up for adoption let's cut funding for orphanages. Have your cake and eat it too?

    Time for the Bible Thumping Hypochritical Right to come down off their holier than thou pedestals and start adopting children, if their party should win.

    This is the exact reason I left the Republican Party and became independent. I'm tired of the hypochrisy. Against g**s while their politicians are getting busted in public restrooms and doing their masseur, against s*x education while their teens get pregnant.

    I for one do not criticize Sarah Palin as a parent or her daughter for getting pregnant. The Republicans are right, nobody's perfect and this is what happens in American Families. Glad they finally admit which stands against years of a platform pointing out that only the Dems have these issues. Rewind back to Dan Quayle at the RNC talking about how "despicable and immoral" teen pregnancy is.

  10. They are attacking Palin because they are scared of her.  She's smart, experienced, tough, and good looking to boot.

    I don't see anyone asking Obama how he can be a good father to his two young children and still be president... so yes.. there is some amount of sexism involved as well.

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